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Free research essays on topics related to: outbreak

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  • Liquid From The Blisters Jenner Repeated Smallpox
    821 words
    Smallpox has been one of the most dangerous and deadly curses ever placed on humankind. Even illnesses as terrible as the plague, cholera, and yellow fever have not had such a universal effect. Smallpox is a parasitic virus (a virus destructive to the host) called variola. Its considered to be a crowd disease, spreading only through people and requiring a large densely populated area to survive. If the virus is cut off from new host bodies it dies out. Smallpox is spread by what is called drople...
    Free research essays on topics related to: virus, host, smallpox, infected, jenner
  • Spread Of Disease Infectious Diseases
    2,199 words
    ... ling population? Why are these diseases emerging, and in so many different forms? There are six main causes for the emergence of infectious diseases. One of the major reasons is the rise in international travel and trade. The world is very accessible now, with airplanes and boats, a virus that is in a very isolated situation may find itself in a position to spread around the world. You could be in an African village where people may be dying like flies. Twenty four hours later youre in downt...
    Free research essays on topics related to: hemorrhagic fever, global warming, ebola virus, spread of disease, infectious diseases
  • Readers Digest Sound Waves
    2,571 words
    There are many differences between Dolphins and Porpoises. People might think that the two are the same mammal, but they are not. Dolphins have cone-shaped teeth and porpoises have spade-shape teeth. The easiest way to tell them apart is that the porpoise is smaller in size and is broader across the back. Dolphins are classified in the Delphinidae species and there are thirty to fifty different kinds of species in this family (Min asian 204). The Porpoises are classified under the Phoceonidae fa...
    Free research essays on topics related to: readers digest, long time, light bulb, dolphins, sound waves
  • Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Viral Hemorrhagic Fever
    1,511 words
    -- This report focuses on the origins of viruses and discusses the ebola virus in particular. -- This report was done to explain the origins of the ebola virus. This virus is one of the most deadly and horrific viruses known to man. To first understand the ebola virus we must first know a little bit about viruses themselves. Viruses themselves are extremely small pieces of matter. To see them with the naked there would have to be thousands of millions of single viruses joined together. Even some...
    Free research essays on topics related to: ebola virus, person to person, viral hemorrhagic fever, nature of life, ebola hemorrhagic fever
  • Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Ebola Reston
    1,212 words
    In the year 1976, Ebola climbed out of its unknown hiding place, and caused the death of 340 people. Fear gripped the victims' faces, and uncertainty tortured their minds. The people of Zaire waited outside clinics, churches and in their homes for a treatment of the horrible disease, but there was no cure. They were forced to watch people die, hoping that they would be saved from the violent death of the Ebola virus. From the year of 1976 to the present date of 1996, researchers have searched fo...
    Free research essays on topics related to: ebola tai, ebola zaire, ebola reston, ebola viruses, viral hemorrhagic fever
  • People Were Killed Early Morning
    1,040 words
    A tornado is a violently rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm cloud to the earths surface. They are sometimes nicknamed twisters because of their shape and because of what they do. The winds in the tornadoes are usually 100 mph or less. In +F 4 's they can exceed 250 mph. They usually stay on a track of a few miles or less and are less than 100 yds. wide. For the development of tornadoes there are a few conditions required. An abundant low-level of moisture and unstable atmosp...
    Free research essays on topics related to: people were killed, low pressure, early morning, mobile homes, low level
  • Britain And France Treaty Of Versailles
    763 words
    In this essay, I am going to discuss about whether Hitler was to blame for the outbreak of war in the 1939 or not. Hitlers foreign policy did had something to do with the outbreak the war, but the USA, Britain, France, the USSR, Japan and Italy also had to do with it. The main reason why there was a war was that Hitler and other countries started invading other countries and disobeying the Treaty of Versailles. The fact that the USA was not a member of the League, made the League weak. The USA w...
    Free research essays on topics related to: britain and france, foreign policy, league, invaded poland, treaty of versailles
  • Austro Hungarian Empire First World War
    1,865 words
    World War One or 'The Great War' as it became known, occurred due to many causes, some of which still remain unexposed today. The obvious trigger for the war was the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie on 28 th June 1914. The assassination occurred during the Archduke's visit to Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Archduke was targeted due to the general feeling amongst Serbians that, once appointed to the th...
    Free research essays on topics related to: first world war, order to protect, world war one, war on serbia, austro hungarian empire
  • Internal And External Ebola Virus
    814 words
    One of the deadliest viruses known to man could quite possibly be the virus that lies dormant in Africa called Ebola. The Ebola virus is a member of a family of RNA viruses known as filo viruses. Ebola made its first human contact in 1976, which during this outbreak caused the death of 340 people. Because the outbreak was in Zaire, This particular strain was called Ebola Zaire. Since there isnt a cure for Ebola, people were left to die, without hope for survival. After this major outbreak, resea...
    Free research essays on topics related to: body fluids, ebola virus, incubation period, ebola zaire, internal and external
  • Chief Of Staff Austria Hungary
    1,870 words
    The instability in the Balkans was the weak link in the complex relationships that had developed in Europe. A little Balkan war was swamped in a struggle of European powers and there became a general upheaval in Europe, which destroyed its stable civilization. The clash with Serbia in July 1914 affected an issue of such magnitude, it is not surprising all the powers soon became involved; all of them had interests at stake. The underlying conflict of interest of particularly Russia and Austria-Hu...
    Free research essays on topics related to: chief of staff, austria hungary, ottoman empire, german empire, long standing
  • The Good In People Salem Witchcraft
    1,419 words
    In 1692, the Salem Village of Massachusetts fell victim to an outbreak of mass hysteria caused by a fear of witchcraft. This fear of witchcraft was caused by a small group of girls who accused innocent people of the village of being under the influence of the devil and harming them with spells of witchcraft. How would a town so concerned with religion react to such crazy accusations? Arthur Miller describes such reactions to these in The Crucible. In this story Miller describes how different peo...
    Free research essays on topics related to: find a cure, cause a person, accusations of witchcraft, arthur miller, witchcraft accusations
  • Biological Warfare Soviet Union
    484 words
    Why has the threat of smallpox recently come up in the media? With the occurrences of anthrax in the United States the subject of biological warfare has been ignited. Adding to the threat of smallpox, secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Tompson proposed a contract to congress that would equip the defense department with three million vaccines to the smallpox virus. In this contract four large pharmaceutical companies would receive 500 million dollars to have these vaccines prepared befo...
    Free research essays on topics related to: biological warfare, biological, public health, soviet union, smallpox
  • Treaty Of Versailles League Of Nations
    1,455 words
    There were many factors that led to the initial outbreak of World War I in Europe. A constant struggle to gain the upper hand in the "balance of power" existed, and it resulted in the formation of many alliances between European nations. For the most part, these agreements stipulated that the nations would aid one another if one of them were to be attacked by an enemy. Eventually two distinct sides formed: the Allies and the Central Powers. The former consisted of Britain, France, Italy, and Jap...
    Free research essays on topics related to: league of nations, versailles treaty, balance of power, treaty of versailles, central powers
  • Burial Practices 90 Percent
    695 words
    You think you have a case of the flu coming on. Nothing a few good nights' rest won't cure, you think. The next morning, your head throbs. Your skin aches. You feel feverish, and your chest hurts. You can't get out of bed. In the new few days, your fever skyrockets. You are disoriented and delirious. You throw up and notice the vomit is laced with blood. Next, you feel a liquid trickle out of your ears. With horror, you realize that it's more blood. Soon blood is seeping from your nose, gums, an...
    Free research essays on topics related to: virus, 90 percent, infected, burial practices, ebola
  • Peloponnesian War B C
    661 words
    Plague of Athens (1) The Great Plague of Athens took place in 430 - 429 B. C. , when Athens was besieged by Spartans, during the course of second year of Peloponnesian War. The first outbreak of epidemic occurred in the summer of 430 B. C. , which according to contemporary historians, was particularly hot. The second outbreak occurred in the following winter, with actual scope of the plague being significantly lesser then in the summer. There is also some circumstantial evidence as to the fact t...
    Free research essays on topics related to: city state, plague, b c, peloponnesian war, athens
  • Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Ebola Viruses
    1,226 words
    Running head: MICROBIOLOGY MODULE 1 Microbiology Module I July 14, 2009 Microbiology Module I Microbiology Module 1 Part A Dear Editor, Few days ago I have read the article published in a local newspaper claiming that Edward Jenner was the greatest microbiologist of all time and made the greatest contribution to public health. Although I do honor Edward Jenner and do consider him to be one of the greatest microbiologists of the century, the importance of other microbiologists and their contribut...
    Free research essays on topics related to: ebola viruses, ebola hemorrhagic fever, modern medicine, n d, edward jenner
  • University Of Michigan Guinea Pigs
    1,455 words
    Ebola Virus You think you have a case of the flu coming on. Nothing a few good nights' rest won't cure, you think. The next morning, your head throbs. Your skin aches. You feel feverish, and your chest hurts. You can't get out of bed. In the new few days, your fever skyrockets. You are disoriented and delirious. You throw up and notice the vomit is laced with blood. Next, you feel a liquid trickle out of your ears. With horror, you realize that it's more blood. Soon blood is seeping from your no...
    Free research essays on topics related to: university of michigan, blood vessels, guinea pigs, burial practices, ebola virus
  • Ebola Virus Homo Sapiens
    1,118 words
    Abstract Ebola Virus Ebola Virus Abstract This topic was chosen because Ebola is a relentless killer. Ebola isnt publicized very much so it seems to be a wise topic to explore. This way others may be informed of one of the worlds most powerful viruses. The purpose of this paper is to further educate all those interested in the powerful effects of the Ebola virus in its many forms. I. Introductory Statement II. History III. Variations IV. Prevention V. Transmission VI. Signs VII. Symptoms VIII. T...
    Free research essays on topics related to: homo sapiens, fatality rate, long term, ebola virus, bodily fluids
  • Act Was Passed Cities And Towns
    2,367 words
    During the Victorian Era there were massive waves of contagious disease. The first was from 1831 to 1833, which included two influenza epidemics and the initial appearance of cholera. The second was from 1836 to 1842, which encompassed major epidemics of influenza, typhus, typhoid and cholera. The first outbreak of Asiatic cholera in Britain was at Sunderland on the Durham coast during the autumn of 1831. From there the disease made its way northward into Scotland and southward toward London. Fr...
    Free research essays on topics related to: thousand deaths, nineteenth century, cities and towns, act was passed, england and wales
  • Genital Herpes Herpes Virus
    1,063 words
    Herpes has been Herpes Herpes Herpes has been around for a very long time. So long that it very likely predates the human species. Herpes derives its name from the Greek word herein, which means to creep or crawl. The physicians of Greece, treating herpes over 2, 000 years ago, described herpes of the mouth and herpetic sores in the groin, which traveled around the flank and genital regions. Throughout history many a physician attempted to understand the herpes virus. Due to similarities amongst...
    Free research essays on topics related to: herpes virus, visible signs, herpes, genital herpes, sexual contact

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