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Example research essay topic: Percent Of The Population Noam Chomsky - 1,121 words

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Noam Chomsky is obviously a very bright person, with some strong opinions about society, and people. From listening to him speak at numerous banquets, and at many interviews, I had some mixed thoughts. I feel that Chomsky? s opinions are viable to a certain extent.

This is because the higher intellectual person listens to what he has to say, and for the most part agrees with what Noam is saying. On the other hand, there is the type of person who feels that what is happening around them is not a big issue to them, and thus they tend to tone themselves out from what people are saying. Noam makes many interesting points that if someone were to think about them would realize that his points are very truthful. Chomsky stresses a great deal that our minds are always open to information. As people learn their brains are encoded with this information that they hear. Especially in the Western Society people are so eager to gather information, and be entertained through the printed word.

It seems as if no event around the world is kept a secret from the newspaper readers who receive their morning paper every day. I would have to say that this idea that Chomsky has is quite accurate. Everyday you see information being passed to people everywhere. There are thousands of news papers all around the world, and there are separate television station devoted strictly to news. The birth of the internet is another great example of society? s thirst for information.

People want to know what is happening in their city, province, country, and in the world. Chomsky makes a point about the elites controlling the public. Chomsky quotes John Jay by saying that the people who own the country ought to govern it. This is what is happening right now. Every large media outlet is owned and run by large companies who control what the public is seeing and reading everyday. These higher-class people in a sense control our lives.

They make the decisions of what there is to watch on television, and what there is to read in the daily paper. Chomsky says that the public isn? t up to making these decisions. This is exactly right, as what the public watches on the news and reads in the paper is based on a decision made by the elite class. What kind of cereal on the shelves at the local grocery store is not a decision made by the public, but a decision made by corporations.

Everything around us is presented to us by large corporations who indirectly control our options in life. This control aspect that Chomsky brings up changes as he talks about the fact that you can? t control people who don? t listen and care about happenings around them. Chomsky says that there are two types of classes; the first one is called the political class. This class consists of about twenty percent of the population who is relatively educated, is articulate, and plays some kind of role in decision making.

These people are supposed to participate in social life as things as managers, teachers, and writers. The second is which consists of about eighty percent of the population basically follows orders and doesn? t think. I would have to partially disagree with Chomsky on this idea.

I think that his percentage breakdown is fairly accurate, however not all of the eighty percent of the population doesn? t think. These people understand what is going on, but they just don? t care about the consequences of other peoples actions.

These people might know the effects of world happenings on there own lives, but feel it? s not worth the hassle to speak up about something minor. This eighty- percent of the people do make important decisions in society. A good example of this is voting. Most of the public does vote on a candidate that will make good decisions for them, and represent the publics views. Chomsky is right about the elites controlling our lives to a certain degree.

A frightening example is the fact that history is controlled by media. The media collects and saves news footage and photographs in large archives for future references. This means that possibly in fifty years memories of events in world history may be lost with the death of generations that did remember the ordeal. The problem is that the understanding of what actually took place can be altered by the media if they choose to display different images and footage's that may appear to explain the entire happenings. However, these images and footage's may actually only show partial events, which is misleading to the public.

There is a main focus that Chomsky has about the elites and controlling. I myself am under the impression that Chomsky believes that the elites have some big conspiracy to control the entire world. It? s very understandable how he comes to these conclusions, with large corporations controlling the media, and the media and corporations controlling the public. This all sounds exiting and interesting, but I don? t feel that these corporations goal is to control people.

Noam himself made a point about how these companies are profit oriented, and that is basically the corporations main goal. I do understand that the public is somewhat being controlled, through what they read and watch on T. V, but this sort of fits under the category of a monopoly. In order for these companies to achieve maximum profit they have to first gain control of their market. When a corporation has attained almost maximum profit, this means that their market has been controlled by them.

It just so happens that people fall into this market, and that is probably where Chomsky gets his ideas about corporations attempt to control the public. If you were to expect any conspiracy from someone, you would expect it from a government, who will likely sent out propaganda to justify their national and international actions. Overall I think Chomsky? s points are viable, even though he may have looked into some things to deeply. However it? s good to see that there are people like Noam Chomsky who are over suspicious of the actions of large corporations, because they do have the power over the public.

If people just turned their heads to the slightest possiblity of corporations trying to take control, then if these corporations wanted to take control in the future, then they would be able to do so because nobody would be watching out for it. Chomsky is aware of a possible threat in the future, but his thoughts about control and agendas of corporations today is not the case Deschouwer

Free research essays on topics related to: doesn t, noam chomsky, eighty percent, percent of the population, large corporations

Research essay sample on Percent Of The Population Noam Chomsky

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