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Expository essay outline

Expository essay is an essay, which aims to first investigate a certain topic, evaluate its importance and its particularities. Then the author suggests a strong sharp argument, which is backed by argumentation, comparison and contrast, definition, examples, cause and effect sequences, etc. At the end of the expository essay, we find a conclusion that does not just repeat the thesis statement, but readdresses it in the light of the evidence provided and seeks to find an answer to the questions posed. In a nutshell, an expository essay is a research paper, a backed-up explanation of a theme, idea or issue.

What is expository essay outline structure

I. Introduction

  • Explain the topic
  • Give some background
  • Evaluate the importance of the topic
  • Propose several hypothesis on the topic
  • Formulate your thesis statement

How to write expository 5 paragraph essay

II. Body

  • Should contain three or more paragraphs
  • Identify the methodology of your research
  • Provide factual, logical, statistical or anecdotal evidence
  • Use correct citation depending on your citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.)
  • Use emotional tricks to involve the reader and impact his perception of the topic

How to write expository essay conclusion

III. Conclusion

  • Provide your reader with an overview of your research
  • Highlight the progression of your thought
  • Make sure you connect your conclusion to the thesis statement and evidence
  • Make sure your conclusion does not deviate from the main goal of your essay
  • Your our conclusion should show why your research was important and what new discoveries you made on the topic
  • Your conclusion can also indicate the missing information and propose possible ways of finding it
  • The conclusion should impress your reader enough to make him want to act/think in a certain way

What are some expository essay topics

Even when one has read a piece of literature and wants to share his personal response to this work, he might put this feedback in a form of an expository essay. Same goes for when we want to give our personal response to a current event, debate in politics, sports outcomes, etc. In these cases, we will be exposing our ideas to our audience.

Where do we find expository essays

When reading newspapers, textbooks or encyclopedias, we most certainly read expository essays that tell us about a certain event, person, concept or topic. It is called an “expository essay” because it “exposes” something to its readers. Sometimes authors of expository essays are using techniques of persuasion, but true expository writing is not aimed at convincing its reader, it should mainly seek to illustrate/explain something without insisting too much.

Can an expository essay be in first person

No. One should be writing in third person (he/she, they, etc) and the task should be to present the information as accurately and precisely as possible.

Can an expository essay be opinionated

Expository essay should not be subjective and opinionated (in contrast with persuasive essay or argumentative essay). It should rather be based on objective data and facts.

What is expository essay format with examples?

Topic: Death penalty: for and against.
Essay flow: We first explain what is death penalty, when it is applied, which countries still have it, why this phenomena is of any interest, which opinions there exist on this topic. Then we propose an argument why, when, in which cases the death penalty should or should not be used. We supply sufficient statistical data, real story cases and other arguments and evidence to see whether our argument was valid or not. We make a conclusion that states which were our final thoughts and understandings after we have done the research on the topic.

What is expository essay with examples

Topic: Planting roses
Expository essay example: Roses can be evergreen plants when planted in mild climate. When planted in colder climates, rose bushes have a dormant period. The best time to plant and replant bare-root roses is during their dormancy from November to March. All you have to do is to dig a hole of 50 cm x 50 cm, put a mixture of compost, sand and fertile soil into the hole, insert the roots of the rose, put more soil until you cover the entire root, water the plant and check the plant after the water has absorbed. It is also recommended to put a layer of at least 10 cm of mulch (preferably compost or horse manure) under each rose bush, which will help the plants to regulate temperature and will provide optimal fertilization thought the entire season.

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