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We start the research paper by focusing on its title. The title should reflect the topic, give an idea of its contents and, possibly, hint at the results you obtained during the research. It is always good when the title attracts the attention of readers, is short and consists of commonly used phrases and phrases that are understood by the overwhelming majority of the target audience.

The title should be clear and concise.

Information about the authors of the article usually contains not only the full name of the author or group of authors, but also information about academic ranks and degrees, place of work or study, their positions. Usually, authors are indicated in the order of the greatest contribution to scientific research and the writing of this article. If you have a supervisor, it makes sense to specify his/her name. Articles of students, for example, look more solid if the team of authors worked under the guidance of a serious curator.

Research paper abstract

Abstract – a brief description of a scientific article that should contain the main points of your work, including the objects and stages of research, conclusions and recommendations formulated by the author. Annotations usually contain 300 to 500 characters and are often used to identify and classify articles.

According to a general definition in Wikipedia: "Abstracts - briefly formulated the main provisions, the main thoughts of scientific work, articles, a report, course or diploma work." Abstracts of scientific articles are a set of interconnected and logically arranged main provisions of full-text work, in which those should be proved and justified.

The main purpose of research paper ghostwriting abstracts is to present a brief affirmative generalization, to reveal the essence, basic ideas and results of a more comprehensive work or scientific work. A distinctive feature of the theses is a small volume (2-3 pages), reflecting the main ideas of the full report.

Abstracts on new methods of work include the following blocks:

  • Brief laconic introduction, methods, scope
  • The purpose and tasks of the development of a new methodology
  • Description of existing methods, analysis of literature
  • Description of the new methodology
  • Descriptions of the field of application
  • Evaluation of advantages and limitations
  • Conclusions and the degree of achievement of the tasks set, the error of the methodology

The usual volume of a research paper is from 3 to 10 pages. According to this, you should roughly know how much space will be taken by the introductory part of the article, by its body and its conclusion.

Even in cases when an introduction cannot be allocated visually, ideologically it should be in any article. First of all, you designate the problem, thereby introducing the reader into the course of the matter, reflecting the object, the subject, the goals and objectives of the research you are conducting. The work should contain a certain idea and the main idea, otherwise the article will turn into an abstract or a dry report on the work done. The goal of research paper ghostwriting may be a new method, classification, technology - anything that answers the question: "What would you like to create or improve during the research?" To achieve the goals set tasks, they also should be mentioned in the work. If possible, it is also better to describe the research methods and the reasons that led to the choice of these methods. It is advisable at the beginning of the article to reflect information about the work of other authors and scientists who worked on this topic, as well as your attitude towards their work (agree, disagree, aim to disprove ...).

You must uncover directly the theme of your work, focusing on your personal contribution to the development of specific issues.

It's great if your idea has practical application, this must be mentioned in the article. It is possible to describe in detail the research process of ghostwriting, the intermediate and final results obtained. As a real scientist, you must reflect all results, not just those that support the hypothesis put forward. The scientific world is built on mutual trust in the results of published studies. If the result you get is negative - this is no reason not to write an article about it or to hire a ghostwriter to do it for you! It might turn out that you will contribute to the great scientific discovery! All the studies carried out can be done not only with text, but also with the use of visual forms - tables, graphs, figures, diagrams, etc.

When writing a text that reveals the problem, include the following blocks:

  • Laconic brief introduction, revealing the relevance of the topic.
  • Purpose of work and statement of tasks
  • A short literature review and analysis of existing techniques or points of view, a description of the subject area and object of research
  • Ideas and thoughts of the author about the problem under consideration
  • The order and possible ways of research development
  • Conclusions on the tasks and goals. Evaluation of achievement of the result.

It is very important to determine the object and the subject of your research paper, especially when it is ghostwritten. Object of course work is the main direction of research, reflecting its general essence. In simple terms, the object is the space or area that the student is studying in the course work. In practice, the object of research is facts, structures, systems or processes that generate a certain problem, situation, order for further study and research. Check our exhausting college ghostwriting article for more details.

The subject of the course work is an element of the object, on the study of which the course will be built. It is the object that is the element, working on which the student must perform tasks and achieve the goal.

Together, the object and the subject of your research paper form the field of study.

Let's take the real situation as an example. An ordinary supermarket, where the trade is conducted, the staff is working and the customers are strolling. In this situation, the object of research can be the supermarket itself. The subject of the study can be chosen any element that enters the supermarket, not reflecting its main characteristics (milk, shopping basket, cash register, director). If a criterion for a supermarket has been chosen for work, for example, the level of sales or the flow of customers per month, then the supermarket should already be chosen as the subject of research. In this case, the object can be the overall economic efficiency of the supermarket.

Research paper conclusion

When ghost writing a strong paper, in the conclusion of the main text it is better to collect the main theses that readers should understand after reading the material. The conclusions reveal the ratio of the expected and actual data, and conclude whether the goals and objectives of the study have been achieved or not achieved.

The list of references is the last, but very important part of the article. By including in the bibliographic list all the sources that you used, you 100% secure yourself against the claims about the authorship of the ideas that concern your research.

Now you've got ideas on how to write research papers and scientific articles. A real scientist needs constant practice, and therefore - let's practice and write research papers! If, for some reason, you cannot do it yourself, our research paper ghostwriting service is here to help you!

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  • $19.95 - in 3 days
  • $23.95 - within 48 hours
  • $26.95 - within 24 hours
  • $29.95 - within 12 hours
  • $33.95 - within 6 hours
  • $39.95 - within 3 hours
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  • plagiarism-free authentic works
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  • timely revisions until completely satisfied
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