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Example research essay topic: Rest Of Canada Canadian Government - 957 words

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What is the Purpose of Sovereignty? Has the Quebec government really thought this idea through? Seriously, have they considered all of the difficulties not only separating will be but becoming a country of their own in the middle of a larger country? Have they considered the after math of the separation? In this paper i fully intend on showing why the idea of Quebec separating from Canada not only makes no sense but would be downright stupid. First off, lets go back to when the latest referendum was called.

Not only did Canadian, from Ontario and from New Brunswick come to Quebec to attempt to save our country but people from B. C. and even a few from the Yukon territories came over here to protest and attempt to sway the votes of the French proving that they really do matter to Canada. Now not only did that referendum shake up the PQ government, it raised hell with our economy. The threat of an impending referendum was more than most major corporations could handle, so they packed up there companies and high tailed it outta Quebec and into our neighboring province Ontario. Ever since this referendum not only has our economy had along way to go to regain what we lost during that period of time but our Premiere Lucien Bouchard has also had time to lick his wounds from the loss.

After specifically stating the fact that he would not call another referendum in Quebec until he was sure that he could win it, he goes on a "field trip" to France talks with there Prime Minister and all of a sudden Lucien is going to put on a push for Quebec Sovereignty. Now when Bouchard returned to Quebec, he was not only criticized by his opposition the Liberal party leaders but also it was quoted from certain members of his party that what he did in France was totally uncalled for and that there was no need for alarm among Quebec residents. Now if the fact that people from all over Canada flowing into Quebec during a trivial time when the referendum was looming wasn't enough to show where Canadians Loyalties lie then how about this one the Saguenay flooding. Now this tragic event occurred after Quebec was threatening t separate from Canada but when this event occurred who did they run to? That's right the Canadian government, and the rest of Canada to help them out in the flood relief effort, the Quebec government had the nerve to ask the people that they had turned their back on to help them out of a tight situation. Now if Quebec had voted for complete autonomy do you think the Canadian government would have been so quick to help out?

Or those wonderful Canadian citizens who donated food, money, blankets and clothing, you think they would have been willing to help them out? The odds are definitely against them on that one. Ok lets assume that instead of squabbling with each other as most of the population of Quebec always does that they actually come together and decide to separate from Canada. They hold a referendum and there is a clear majority saying they wish to separate.

Now, what kinda fo currency are we going to use? Canadian money no? Absolutely not. The Canadian government made it more than clear that if Quebec were to separate from the rest of Canada then either the Qubcois would have to form there own currency or pay a large amount of money to be able to use the Canadian currency. Now where will a new country like Quebec come up with that kind of revenue? That is only problem number one.

Number two would be, where would Quebec get its revenue from? Seeing as how at the last large referendum scare almost 35 % of major corporations pulled out of the province imagine what would happen if they were to separate? It would be like sailors jumping of a cargo ship full of dynamite when it is on fire. Sure we could use our natural resources for sale, we could export agricultural product, but it will not come anywhere near what the Qubcois would need to import. So we have now dealt with problems one and two, so what is the third? Well the island of Montreal when polled had over 70 % of inhabitants of the island say that if Quebec were to separate from Canada then the island of Montreal would separate from Quebec and then rejoin with Canada.

Now if this would actually ever happen, your guess is as good as mine. But imagine, Quebec attains autonomy and then bang te island of Montreal holds a referendum to separate from Quebec. How would that look? In conclusion I would like to say that not only is Quebec's separation a dumb idea but it is hardly even an idea at best. Has the Quebec government even thought this out? I mean really seriously sat down and started to think of what would happen to this province if autonomy was achieved?

Or is it just some stupid pet project of Lucien Bouchard's to keep himself in power? I believe that it is more the latter then the former looking at it from my perspective. If I were in Lucian's place I would give up on the referendum thing all together. Forget about becoming your own country and attempting to please your former "mother country" don't forget this is the country who refused to send enough troops over to defend Quebec from the British Army when they had control over you then, what the heck would make you any more valuable to you now? Bibliography: national geographic infotrac 1999

Free research essays on topics related to: referendum, quebec, rest of canada, canadian, canadian government

Research essay sample on Rest Of Canada Canadian Government

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