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Example research essay topic: Behavioral Modification Programs Behavioral Modification Program - 953 words

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The deterioration of our society has been known for a long time now. Everyone knows that without a major movement of some sort, there is little hope for our future. Every day 1, 439 teens will attempt suicide, 2, 795 teen girls will become pregnant, 15, 006 will use drugs for the first time, and 3, 506 teens will run away. Those are some large and scary numbers. Because of numbers like those, parents everywhere are searching for help. Anything that can prevent their little baby to become jus part of the statistics.

The question is however, where. There are many programs out there but how much exactly does it help. The question would be next to impossible to answer in a factual manner. If ever answered it would all just be opinions and whatever the answer may be, will result in a lot of controversy.

Therefore I will not try to answer either of it, instead I will attempt to give you a view of what exactly a program is like and facts of what has happened within those Behavioral Adjustment programs are the second fastest growing industry next to jails. There are hundreds and hundreds of them around the country and another couple located outside of the country. Each containing hundreds of the so called future of America. Many are there for petty things such as running away, arguments, minor drug use, and simple delinquency acts. (By petty I dont mean to down grade the seriousness of drug use or running away.

These are very dangerous indeed and can create major amount of damage to the future of these kids lives. I use petty simply for a lack of a better word. ) Few at the programs I was at, actually had charges against them. Most come from broken homes. In fact 85 percent 1 of the kids at the Cross Creek Center facility came from either a divorced, separated, step or adopted family. Many of the kids were diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, or depression. Several had seen or heard about a friend or family who had died.

Another few had been either molested by or had molested a family member or friend. Basically all of them had taken part in some major stressful situations. That put together with the hardship of adolescents and pre-adolescents can create a major scar on the emotional and mental being of a person. Just imagine having to put up with all the stuff that you had gone though during your teenage year and then adding on the death of a loved one, or constant The teens who are currently residing within the walls of every single behavioral modification programs all suffer from scars such as those. Though when they first arrive they may not be aware of it, every person soon finds that deep within they are all just innocent little boys and girls trying to break free from the cruel realities of the real world and bring themselves back to the days where they were magical children.

Those words may seem like the answer to every parents nightmare. a way of helping their kids go back and discover the true meaning of happiness, but as is with everything else in this world there is always a down side. Though when done in theory, programs seem to work marvelously, when it comes to real life many wonder whether the ways of these so called behavioral modification programs actually do more good then harm. Lately there seems to be more and more talk of the bad sides of programs.

All the hype and controversy has brought many questions to the minds of parents. In many ways I believe that the stories of the programs are blown out of proportion, but at the same time there have also been deaths which have occurred within the confines of program facilities. While preparing to write this paper, I have read though a number of articles and have found that most programs are actually quite safe and do create many positive results. Such as the group of programs known as WWASP (World Wide Association Specialty Programs). The program, which was designed by David Gilcrease (a trainer for Life Spring from 1974 - 81), was created at the request of Robert Lichfield, Southern Utah Business man. 2 David Gilcrease, who also runs a separate organization called TASK, designed the program to give the kids a wakeup call.

In fact theres even a warranty that comes along with it. If your kid was to graduate the program and go back to his or her old ways, you will receive the option of sending him / her back for 60 days of free tuition. 3 The reason they are able to make promises like that are because they have results. In fact in a 1998 survey of all the parents WWASP found that 98. 7 %of the parents feel that they made the right decision in sending their kids to a WWASP program. When also asked if they would recommend the program to others, they found that 96. 5 % said yes. 4 One parent even went as far as to write a book about him and his families experience with the program.

So now once again we are brought back to the question: to send or not to send? Well my suggestion, after reading all the stories and everything is for parents to check the history of the program and also if it is in a foreign country, to check the laws set by those countries on issues such as child Bibliography: Scripps Howards News Services July 21 1999 web Surveys done in a 1998 by WWASP Listed in the WWASP handbook

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Research essay sample on Behavioral Modification Programs Behavioral Modification Program

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