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Example research essay topic: Todays Teenagers Todays Society - 634 words

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Premature adulthood Is imposed upon teenagers in todays society. It affects them in two different but closely related ways. One is in which a teenagers needs to find a sense of self and needs protection on trying to do so. The other is the stress that is being forced upon them. Teenagers need to be given time, support and guidance to form from child to adult, but that must come from the parents.

Many parents either feel powerless to give a child what they need in life because the child can get it else where: they may do whatever it is that they want behind a parents back. They could also be insecure about themselves and that they did not receive the guidance themselves when they needed in growing up. Teenagers need protection against the dangers that they may face so that they can be prepared for the future. Teenagers now are highly stressed. There are more things for teenagers to stress about then there was years ago. Since teenagers are given so much freedom which doesnt give them much time to focus on their future.

Freedom also makes it hard for a teenager to adapt to new situations because they are already conformed to do what they want rather then for what is best in that situation. In relation to the two different ways in which premature adulthood is forced upon todays teenagers is that it can be hard for a teenager to form a sense of identity because they are faced with many challenges in life. Since they are given so much freedom they are not being protected from the mature, stressful, obstacles causing stress. Many teenagers today have to deal with many stress related factors that a middle age person would. A teenager can not form a personal identity because of the lack of guidance. Many do not know how to deal with certain situations.

They are not prepared to face challenges. Since they have to deal with situations on their own there is a lack of time to find themselves. Since they are given so much freedom they grow accustomed to it and lose their expectations of their future. They have what they want, which is freedom. Freedom plays a large role in both situations because it is the freedom of the individual that allows them to find a sense of their identity but it can also impair the individual of finding their identity because they are unable to focus on it. It is also the freedom that they have that causes stress.

Because they allow themselves the freedom to get into certain situations it can be very stressful to get out of them as well. The difference is that although a teenager is under a lot of stress it does not necessarily mean that it is caused from not forming an identity, or lack of guidance. Stress can be caused by many factors. A teenager can have a sense of self being and self worth but can also have to deal with stressful situations. They may have fundamental preparations for their future and still have to face lifes stressful obstacles. Though some may tackle these obstacles the stress will still exist.

David Elkind developed these realities in Teenager in Crisis, although he tends to repeat himself very often, he still distinguishes the two dilemmas in many ways. He makes it clear of the present dangers in todays teenagers and the challenges that they face, though he may not say it directly he does break it down for comprehension. In conclusion, the affects of being unable to form a personal identity and stress causes premature adulthood because it is being forced upon them in todays society. But the two are In relation to each other as well as having differences.

Free research essays on topics related to: todays society, personal identity, todays, teenager, todays teenagers

Research essay sample on Todays Teenagers Todays Society

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