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Free research essays on topics related to: proteins

152 results found, view free essays on page:

  • Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Ebola Reston
    1,289 words
    The Ebola Virus is the common name for several strains of virus, three of which are known to cause hemorrhagic fever in humans, which is characterized by massive bleeding and destruction of internal tissues. Named for the Ebola River in Zaire, Africa, where the virus was first identified, the Ebola virus belongs to the family Filoviridae. Three strains of Ebola virus that are often fatal to humans have been identified. Named for the areas in which the first recognized outbreaks took place, these...
    Free research essays on topics related to: ebola virus, ebola reston, ebola zaire, ebola hemorrhagic fever, ebola tai
  • H 2 O Vitamins And Minerals
    1,751 words
    What exactly do we mean by sugar? Most people would answer by describing the white granulated sugar found on the meal table. That is however only part of the answer. Table sugar is sucrose and is only one of a number of different sugars all of which belong to the carbohydrate group of basic energy foods. Sugars are a major form of carbohydrate and are found in probably all green plants. They occur in significant amounts in most fruits and vegetables. There are three main simple sugars - sucrose,...
    Free research essays on topics related to: sugar cane, vitamins and minerals, carbon dioxide, carbohydrates fats, h 2 o
  • Micrometers Per Minute Specific Genes Required Mgl
    546 words
    The bacteria Myxococcus Xanthus is a decomposer that moves and forms fruiting bodies to reproduce. These fruiting bodies are mounds that grow into mushroom cloud like bodies, where cells differentiate on the inside to form small spores that are heat and desiccation resistant. In her discussion of Myxococcus Xanthus, Dr. Hartzell addresses various complexes that make flagella-less movement possible for the bacteria. The researchers traced cell movements and found that Myxococcus Xanthus moves at ...
    Free research essays on topics related to: bacteria, protein, ras, proteins, tol
  • Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease Nucleic Acid
    1,120 words
    Over the years there have been many documented cases of diseases for which there appeared to be no cause. Only within the late 20 th century has the reason for these illnesses been brought into the spotlight. The symptoms of these illnesses are usually the loss of coordination followed by dementia, but in some cases an inability to sleep develops into dementia. These symptoms are caused by damaged regions of the brain. This damage occurs in the form of normal tissue changing to a sponge-like con...
    Free research essays on topics related to: creutzfeldt jakob disease, nucleic acid, prion diseases, full human, amino acid
  • Prion Diseases Sickle Cell
    1,117 words
    ... were 3 months old, their brains had degenerated and contained spongy tissue. Although the brain matter had been damaged, the neurons had yet to be affected and the mice presented no symptoms. Days after the enzyme production, the PrP gene stopped producing PrP and the remaining quantities of PrP were quickly broken down by protease. With no new protein for the infectious form to convert, the disease progression stopped and slowly reversed. The holes within the brain healed and the mice retur...
    Free research essays on topics related to: prion, prion diseases, human history, science vol, sickle cell
  • Transgenic Animals Human Cloning
    1,487 words
    ... ls with an apparently desirable genetic constitution. If Dolly represents one genetic copy of her mother then nuclei from the thousands of other udder cells could, with a sufficient supply of host eggs, produce a thousand Dollies - a thousand genetic replicas - in a single generation. However, here theory and practice diverge. Dolly was a single sheep produced from nearly three hundred attempts, without even counting the previous years of failed experiments. With a single result of this kind...
    Free research essays on topics related to: transgenic animals, three hundred, success rate, farm animals, human cloning
  • Type Ii Diabetes Type I Diabetes
    1,436 words
    ... y uses antibodies to attack foreign invaders. They believe that the antibodies destroy the beta cells, resulting in Type I diabetes. Type II Diabetes Accounting for 90 percent of the diabetic population are people who have Type II diabetes. The problem in this type of diabetes is that the beta cells do not produce enough insulin to meet the needs of the body. In addition to this problem, the cells in the body do not react appropriately to the available insulin in the body because they cannot...
    Free research essays on topics related to: type i diabetes, insulin injections, type ii diabetes, years of age, people with type
  • Type Of Cloning Desirable Traits
    1,048 words
    Genetic engineering is the changing of an organism's DNA, genetic material to eliminate unwanted traits or to produce desirable traits. The earliest form of genetic engineering dates back to the scientist Gregor Mendel who did experiments with peas. He bred only the peas with the most desirable traits in order to achieve a healthier and stronger pea (McCuen 8). This method, called selective breeding, is still used today with plants and animals in order to increase food production. Corn plants ar...
    Free research essays on topics related to: successfully cloned, desirable traits, embryonic cells, type of cloning, fertilized egg
  • Walks Of Life Molecular Biology
    1,308 words
    What is biochemistry? Biochemistry is the 'Chemistry of Life' It is central to all areas of the Biological or Life Sciences. The aim is to provide an understanding of every aspect of the structure and function of living things at the molecular level. It is a practical laboratory science that applies the molecular approaches of chemistry to the vast variety of biological systems. Biochemists work at all levels and with all types of biological organisms, ranging from biomolecules to man. There are...
    Free research essays on topics related to: genetic engineering, dna fingerprinting, molecular biology, forensic science, walks of life
  • Carbo Correct Amounts Nutrients
    203 words
    Ch. 9 Outline NutritioWhat are the nutrients in food? A. Food 1. cells must be supplied with food or they stop working 2. growth and repair 3. supplied regularly in the right amount and balance 4. Nutrients a. chemicals in food cells need b. Nutrients study of nutrients c. six nutrients 1. protein 2. fats 3. carbohydrates 4. vitamins 5. minerals 6. water B. Proteins, Fats, and Carbo? s 1. Proteins a. build and repair tissue b. make up large part of muscle, bone, and skin c. foods such as meats, ...
    Free research essays on topics related to: fats, proteins, nutrients, correct, foods
  • Red Blood Cells High Blood Pressure
    1,125 words
    The circulatory system, which functions in the rapid internal transport of substances to and from cells. Your bodys differentiated cells, which perform specialized tasks, cannot fend for themselves. Different types must interact in coordinated ways to maintain the composition, volume, and temperature of a tissue fluid surrounding them, the interstitial fluid. A circulating connective tissue-blood-interacts with tissue fluid, making continual deliveries and pickups that help keep conditions toler...
    Free research essays on topics related to: av node, red blood cells, oxygenated blood, high blood pressure, connective tissue
  • O J Simpson Cloning Of Humans
    3,365 words
    DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid the material that codes for amino acids which form proteins, which in turn carry out functions of the cell. DNA is responsible for building life. Our physical characteristics, susceptibility to some diseases and disorders (e. g. breast cancer, sickle cell anemia), and a few behavior characteristics are passed from generation to generation through DNA. DNA controls everything about the way we look, from the color of the eyes to how tall you are to the width of your feet....
    Free research essays on topics related to: genetic engineering, o j simpson, dna molecule, dna fingerprinting, cloning of humans
  • Amino Acids Alzheimer
    1,948 words
    DNA: The Making Lyle Sykes For more than 50 years after the science of genetics was established and the patterns of inheritance through genes were clarified, the largest questions remained unanswered: How are the chromosomes and their genes copied so exactly from cell to cell, and how do they direct the structure and behavior of living things? This paper will discuss those questions and the people that answered them. Two American geneticists, George Wells Beadle and Edward Lawrie Tatum, provided...
    Free research essays on topics related to: amino acids, alzheimer , nucleic acids, dna molecule, double helix
  • Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Ebola Reston
    2,699 words
    The Ebola Virus is the common name for several strains of virus, three of which are known to cause hemorrhagic fever in humans, which is characterized by massive bleeding and destruction of internal tissues. Named for the Ebola River in Zaire, Africa, where the virus was first identified, the Ebola virus belongs to the family Filoviridae. Three strains of Ebola virus that are often fatal to humans have been identified. Named for the areas in which the first recognized outbreaks took place, these...
    Free research essays on topics related to: ebola virus, ebola zaire, filo viruses, ebola hemorrhagic fever, ebola reston
  • Carbohydrates Fats Sugar Cane
    3,578 words
    What exactly do we mean by sugar? Most people would answer by describing the white granulated sugar found on the meal table. That is however only part of the answer. Table sugar is sucrose and is only one of a number of different sugars all of which belong to the carbohydrate group of basic energy foods. CARBOHYDRATES Sugars are a major form of carbohydrate and are found in probably all green plants. They occur in significant amounts in most fruits and vegetables. There are three main simple sug...
    Free research essays on topics related to: sliding scale, million tonnes, carbon dioxide, sugar cane, carbohydrates fats
  • Endoplasmic Reticulum Electron Microscope
    1,979 words
    Explain With Aid Of A Diagram The Explain With Aid Of A Diagram The Working Of The Electron Microscope The diagram below shows a picture of an electron microscope. This is a type of microscope that makes use of a beam of electrons rather than visible light. Because the wavelength of electrons is much smaller than the wavelength of visible light, an electron microscope not only gives a high magnification but it also has high resolution. This means that details can be seen clearly. An electron mic...
    Free research essays on topics related to: ribosomal rna, plasma membrane, golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, electron microscope
  • Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease Mad Cow Disease
    1,270 words
    Fatal Familial Insomnia Fatal familial insomnia is a genetic disorder. It manifests itself by many symptoms due to the degeneration of a certain part of the brain, the thalamus. The disease also results in the formation of amyloid plaques. This is the build up of a waxy substance made of proteins associated with polysaccharides. The disease is a result of a mutation of a normal protein that is associated with brain tissue. This is the prion protein. In the case of fatal familial insomnia, the mu...
    Free research essays on topics related to: prion diseases, england journal of medicine, parts of the brain, creutzfeldt jakob disease, mad cow disease
  • Nucleic Acids Amino Acids
    426 words
    In this assesment the student will identify the characteristics and roles of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids in a living system. Write a 4 paragraph report describing the atoms in the compound building blocks, types, structure, and function of each. The student must also describe what they would do if they were given a jar with an unknown substance to find out wether or not it contained any of the substances listed above. Proteins: Proteins are long chains of amino acids that ...
    Free research essays on topics related to: nucleic acids, building blocks, cell membrane, passive transport, amino acids
  • Endoplasmic Reticulum Hemorrhagic Fever
    3,146 words
    Hantavirus: A Four Corners Study When a new virus appeared in the Four Corners region, American scientists were stumped. What was causing such a quick death to such healthy people? Was there a potential epidemic on their hands? No one knew, and when they finally determined that a strain hantavirus was involved, many were shocked. This had to be something completely new to the hantavirus family and that was somewhat overwhelming. Normally, the hantavirus only affects the kidneys, but this new vir...
    Free research essays on topics related to: rna viruses, hemorrhagic fever, mortality rate, host cell, endoplasmic reticulum
  • Factor Viii Clotting Factor
    2,041 words
    Hemophilia is a genetic bleeding disorder. People who have hemophilia have a deficiency or an absence of a coagulation protein. A blood clotting factor is deficient or absent. Bleeding is most often into joints, such as the knee, elbow, or ankle, but bleeding can occur anywhere in the body. People with hemophilia bleed longer, not faster. The severity of hemophilia varies greatly. Hemophilia A and Hemophilia B are the most common genetic bleeding disorders. Hemophilia A is observed in 80 percent...
    Free research essays on topics related to: replacement therapy, blood clotting, factor viii, factor ix, clotting factor

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