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Free research essays on topics related to: jem

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  • Jem And Scout Boo Radley
    994 words
    One of the major masterpieces of American literature, To Kill A Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee originally as a love story, was published in 1960 and won a Pulitzer Prize in 1961. It also won an Academy Award when it was later made into a film starring Gregory Peck. The story is set in imaginary Maycomb County in southern Alabama. The time frame for the story is the early 1930 's during the great depression. Poverty was common and times were extremely tough. This book is loaded with interesti...
    Free research essays on topics related to: mayella ewell, bob ewell, boo radley, jem and scout, tom robinson
  • Scout And Jem Boo Radley
    557 words
    The definition of a good father is as individual as the individuals involved themselves. A good father is able to support his children's strengths, along with being able to help them overcome their weaknesses. He is able to do this without appearing to be a know-it-all. The ability to show by example how to live life, while not being afraid to make mistakes and not to be perfect all the time are also very important characteristic. Atticus was by that definition a very good father. Whenever Scout...
    Free research essays on topics related to: boo radley, scout and jem, good father, atticus, nigger lover
  • Jem And Scout Scout And Jem
    483 words
    To Kill A Mockingbird is a novel of many lessons, by Harper Lee. Scout and Jem are the main characters about six and ten at the beginning. One of the lessons they learned was about judging people before you really know them. 42 A lesson Scout learned from Boo was about judging people. All the kids in the area thought Boo was very mean and hurt people. Boo was a really nice person but Scout didnt think this. He saved their life risking his own. He put gifts in a tree so Scout and Jem could find t...
    Free research essays on topics related to: scout and jem, aunt alexandra, jem, jem and scout, scout
  • Kill A Mockingbird Act Of Courage
    1,724 words
    First impressions of people are often lasting impressions, especially in the minds of children. Unfortunately, these impressions tend to be negative, thus, discrediting the individual who conveys the impression and causing the observers to inaccurately assess his true character. Many times these impressions, aided by misunderstanding and prejudgment, cause unjust discrimination against an individual. Tokill a Mockingbird depicts the themes of misunderstanding and prejudice which portray Arthur (...
    Free research essays on topics related to: act of courage, stephanie crawford, kill a mockingbird, boo radley, chewing gum
  • To Kill A Mocking Bird Journals
    1,976 words
    ... fore he was tried. He showed any black was guilty in his book and it changed my opinion of him. I didnt know much about him before, but what I do know. I dont like. All men are equal! Away from the actual story itself, and to the narrator, Scout. Scout is a very interesting person but not like other girls. She refuses to be ladylike. The story comes out with her opinions and we only see and find out what she sees and finds out. If the novel was to be through someone elses eyes, it would be c...
    Free research essays on topics related to: tom robinson, kill a mocking bird, find it hard, boo radley, aunt alexandra
  • Kill A Mockingbird Jem And Scout
    1,136 words
    During the first half of Mockingbird Harper Lee constructs a sweet and affectionate portrait of growing up in the vanished world of small town Alabama... Lee, however, proceeds to undermine her portrayal of small town gentility during the second half of the book. Lee dismantles the sweet face to reveal a rotten, rural underside filled with social lies, prejudice, and ignorance. But no one in Mockingbird is completely good or evil. Every character is human, with human flaws and weaknesses. Lee ev...
    Free research essays on topics related to: tom robinson, boo radley, jem and scout, end of the book, kill a mockingbird
  • Jem And Scout Boo Radley
    1,016 words
    Harper Lee uses a motif, mocking birds, in most of the main characters to explore the theme of prejudice. She also uses characterisation to show the contrast of how it affects all of the characters in the novel to To Kill A Mocking Bird. The Finches- Atticus, Jem and Scout- are all mocking birds. The name Finch suggests this. Atticus was Harper Lees ideal man his only fault was that he was too idealistic. Atticus didnt see any place for prejudice of any kind. He defended a blackman Tom Robinson ...
    Free research essays on topics related to: aunt alexandra, harper lees, nigger lover, jem and scout, boo radley
  • Jem And Scout Members Of Society
    1,601 words
    Certain uncanny resemblances between Tom Robinson and Boo Radley's lives exist in Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird. Often large groups of people misunderstand certain unusual individuals. Sometimes they stereotype the person; other times, they simply do not bother to find out the truth. When such circumstances occur, the ostracized person's actions become unfairly misinterpreted or not understood at all. Sometimes rumors circulate about the individuals, that might then be assumed as the truth....
    Free research essays on topics related to: bob ewell, members of society, boo radley, jem and scout, harper lee
  • Kill A Mockingbird Jem And Scout
    720 words
    The book, To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, is a timeless classic about the coming of age of a small southern town and its people. The book follows Jem and Scout, two siblings living in the 1930 s in a small southern town. Their father, Atticus, is a lawyer who is hired to defend a black man who is accused of rape. The children watch the town and the trial change and grow. Atticus loses the trial and Tom Robinson, the man who is being accused of rape gets killed by prison guards. The whole t...
    Free research essays on topics related to: kill a mockingbird, southern town, main theme, tom robinson, jem and scout
  • Jem And Scout Racism And Prejudice
    1,703 words
    The novel To Kill a Mocking Bird written by Harper Lee is told from the perspective of a six-year-old girl named Scout. The story focuses on the maturation of Scout and her elder brother Jem in the "tired old town" of Maycomb, Alabama, in the 1930 's. The story takes place in Maycomb, a classic southern town of that era, a town full of gossip, tradition and burdened with a legacy of racism and prejudice. Jem and Scout live together with their father Atticus and their black cook Calpurnia in the ...
    Free research essays on topics related to: racism and prejudice, jem and scout, people of maycomb, town of maycomb, character in the story
  • Kill A Mockingbird Jem And Scout
    1,430 words
    Discrimination is a hellhound that gnaws at Negroes in every waking moment of their lives to remind them that the lie of their inferiority is accepted as truth in the society dominating them. " Martin Luther King, Jr. , speech, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, August 16, 1967. To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, is a classic novel that takes place during the 1930 s where we are introduced to the fictional town of Maycomb, Alabama, in which there was prejudice and ste...
    Free research essays on topics related to: scout and jem, kill a mockingbird, jem and scout, guilty verdict, sin to kill
  • Robert E Lee Kill A Mockingbird
    1,234 words
    To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is about the racist South during the Great Depression. The title literally means killing mockingbirds. They are Boo Radley, Tom Robinson, Atticus and Jeremy Atticus Finch. The title connects to patriotism because one of the main actions of a patriot is to help the helpless. One can help the country not only through actions, but also by words and thoughts. To Kill a Mockingbird literally means to not only cause death of a person, but to hurt a Mockingbird. A mo...
    Free research essays on topics related to: robert e lee, atticus finch, kill a mockingbird, boo radley, end of the book
  • Kill A Mockingbird Kill A Mocking Bird
    1,894 words
    This is an essay about To Kill A Mocking Bird. Throughout the course of history there have always been men and women who have preyed on the innocent. They do this not because it is easy, nor because it is hard, but rather because they can. They are the aftermath of poverty and poor upbringings. These universal troublemakers are present in every form of society. They believe that the ends always justify the means as long as the fate of their mischief is bestowed upon someone else. At times like t...
    Free research essays on topics related to: boo radley, kill a mocking bird, bob ewell, kill a mockingbird, harper lees
  • Jem And Scout Heck Tate
    471 words
    There are many themes in the book To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee. However, one of the most predominate is courage. This theme is shown by almost all of the characters in the novel. Atticus has strong views on courage. He shows this when he taught Jem and Scout to be brave; for instance, when he told Scout to stop fighting the people that mock her Scout had to be brave enough to ignore the harsh remarks and put herself above them. One person that Atticus admired for having real cour...
    Free research essays on topics related to: jem and scout, bob ewell, heck tate, atticus, miss maudie
  • Kill A Mockingbird Scout And Jem
    652 words
    To Kill a Mockingbird For me To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee is the clear demonstration of a moralistic literature. It seems to me that the plot is not as important for the reader as the moral values advertised are. From this book we learn to be honest to people by avoiding biases and prejudices. I want to describe the book plot, its characters, and major themes in combination with the expression of my own opinion about different situations depicted in the book. As far as I know, the plot o...
    Free research essays on topics related to: harper lee, boo radley, kill a mockingbird, tom robinson, scout and jem
  • Kill A Mockingbird Low Level
    523 words
    Major Essay Beginnings Beginnings are a common theme in To Kill a Mockingbird, there are many changes occurring in the small southern town of Maycomb. People are maturing and the town is changing its views on Racism. More specifically Jem is reaching puberty, maturity is also another form of beginning and overall Maycomb is becoming more culturally acceptable. Beginnings are sometimes considered evolving and these situations would all fall under that heading. Jem is reaching puberty and with tha...
    Free research essays on topics related to: low level, maturity, kill a mockingbird, scout, jem
  • Side Of Human Nature Jem And Scout
    798 words
    In the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee tells a story to the readers by including a few families. Harper Lee first introduces the story with the Finches family and the way they live. As she moves on, she shows readers there are other families like the Ewell's, Cunningham's, and the Robinsons. Each of these families obviously behaves differently from the others. In fact, the readers can actually learn a lot about human nature by examining the family relationships consisting positive human ...
    Free research essays on topics related to: bob ewell, jem and scout, negative side, side of human nature, harper lee
  • Jem And Scout Boo Radley
    265 words
    During the story To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Jem and Scout changed there judgment about many people such as Boo Radley and Atticus Finch. Both Scout and Jem? s judgments of these two people were negative, but they learned more about there personalities and there ideas about them changed. Jem and Scout first thought that Boo Radley was a creepy, scary, hermit who killed people? s pets and would hurt people as well. They changed there minds about Boo when Jem got his pants caught on a fen...
    Free research essays on topics related to: boo radley, jem, boo, scout, jem and scout
  • Atticus Finch Tom Robinson
    1,498 words
    Atticus Finch was a man who fought for what he believed in. He was always the one who stood up for what was right, not what the more popular thing to do was. Atticus has a lot of courage to do what he did for Tom Robinson. Atticus looked past the racism that was in the courtroom where Tom was being accused of raping a woman and he stood up for him. Atticus believed in equality amongst people and he thought that the court was not being equal. Atticus taught his daughter Scout and his son Jem to b...
    Free research essays on topics related to: popular opinion, atticus finch, tom robinson, created equal, white man
  • Tom Joad Jacket F Scott Fitzgerald
    3,473 words
    Symbolism In American Novels When looked up in the dictionary, it states that symbolism is the art of relating something concrete that represents or suggests another thing that cannot in it self be represented or visualized. Authors use symbolism as a way of inserting special hidden message that would otherwise not be known. Different authors use symbolism in different way s from animals and nature in the story (Steinbeck), colors (Fitzgerald) or more of a radical symbolism used to describe raci...
    Free research essays on topics related to: theme by showing, kill a mockingbird, tom joad jacket, f scott fitzgerald, struggles against nature

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