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Free research essays on topics related to: gangs

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  • Boys And Girls Los Angeles
    1,899 words
    A year in the World of Female Gangsters: There is no way you can neatly squeeze in a single report what female gang life posses. What I am giving is highlights and statistics staffed with local information. There is no such thing as a typical gang each possess a history that reflects the community they grew up in. The research is in Los Angeles and smaller California communities San Antonio, Texas, and Chicago, Ill... Most research has been done in L. A. where female gangs have achieved a greate...
    Free research essays on topics related to: boys and girls, gang members, female gangs, san antonio, los angeles
  • Marshall B Clinard Merton Nisbet
    1,532 words
    ... end gang violence we must find the way that these morals are given to the individual Unfortunately, these can only be hypothesized. However, by looking at the way humans are influenced in society, I believe there is good evidence to point the blame at several institutions. These include the forces of the media, the government, theater, drugs and our economic system. On the surface, gangs are caused by peer pressure and greed. Many teens in gangs will pressure peers into becoming part of a ga...
    Free research essays on topics related to: deviant behavior, merton nisbet, harcourt brace, marshall b clinard, violent gang
  • Growing Problem Of Street Gangs In Canada
    1,288 words
    It is a scenario of nightmarish quality. An unsuspecting innocent individual has taken a short cut to get home late at night and is confronted by a group of individuals on a back street. However, this is no ordinary group of young men and women. This group is what is commonly called a street gang. Usually associated with poorer urban areas of the United States, street gangs have made a huge impact in Canadian Cities. Known for criminal acts such as robbery, assault and even murder, street gangs ...
    Free research essays on topics related to: socio economic, gang activity, los angeles, street gangs, youth violence
  • U S Department National Institute Of Justice
    1,693 words
    ... and female gangs are substantially less violent. The crimes committed by females were mostly simple battery or assault. Non-violent or petty crimes were mostly for drug and alcohol use. They may often be used as look-outs or to carry weapons or drugs for the male members. Females also tend to join or associate with gangs at a younger age and leave earlier then the male gang member. Why do youths join? Youths raised in impoverished and deprived conditions are drawn to gangs for the support, m...
    Free research essays on topics related to: u s department, s department of justice, national institute of justice, youth gangs, drug trafficking
  • Marshall B Clinard Joining A Gang
    1,546 words
    GANGS Gangs are a violent reality that people have to deal with in todays cities. What has made these groups come about? Why do kids feel that being in a gang is both an acceptable and prestigious way to live? The long-range answer to these questions can only be speculated upon, but in the short term the answers are much easier to find. On the surface, gangs are a direct result of human beings personal wants and peer pressure. To determine how to effectively end gang violence we must find the wa...
    Free research essays on topics related to: joining a gang, merton nisbet, join a gang, marshall b clinard, violent gang
  • Juvenile Justice System Juvenile Offenders
    2,032 words
    Today, there is a great concern about gang activity and youth violence. Every day, we can open a newspaper or turn on the evening news and see that another child or victim was killed in gang or youth related violence. Teenage crime and violence has existed for many years. Many people have become more aware of the violence committed by todays youth because of the media coverage of the viciousness of these crimes. The public is also aware of the new breed of criminal and many people want to change...
    Free research essays on topics related to: juvenile offenders, commit crimes, gang activity, juvenile justice system, todays youth
  • Gang Violence Peer Pressure
    2,233 words
    Society would like to accept that children lost to gangs are from dysfunctional and uncaring homes. While in some cases this may be true, in many homes this is not the case. In Susan Hortons article Mothers, Sons, and The Gangs she speaks of three different scenarios of gang members and their families. Although the families had different backgrounds, beliefs, and techniques they all shared in common sons who were gang members. They are mothers who care but have to face alone the battle of raisin...
    Free research essays on topics related to: three weeks, peer pressure, older boys, gang violence, gang members
  • Female Gangs Gang Members
    955 words
    Gangs in one form or another have been around for hundreds of years. Pirates were probably some of the original bad gangs. The groups that traditionally come to mind when one thinks of modern day gangs are the Crips and the Bloods from California. The origins of the Crips and Bloods can be traced to the late 60 s, and the gang culture is so ingrained on the west coast that many families have three and even four generations of gangsters residing in the same residence. Depending on whose figures y...
    Free research essays on topics related to: modern day, gang members, gangs, street gangs, female gangs
  • Law Enforcement Officials Social And Political
    2,257 words
    Lets say youre by yourself on the subway in New York City. You get on and its not that crowded, theres a bunch of open seats. As you look around, you notice that the car is filled with mainly high school aged kids, mostly boys. On one side there is a spot next to a bunch of African Americans, on the other side its a posse of Asians. Okay, so where are you going to sit? Next to the Asians I bet. What if it was Latinos instead of Blacks, chances are you would still say youd go towards the Asians a...
    Free research essays on topics related to: franklin watts, law enforcement officials, asian americans, social and political, gang members
  • Marshall B Clinard One Up Mashup
    1,502 words
    GANGS Gangs are a violent reality that people have to deal within todays cities. What has made these groups come about? Why do kids feel that being in a gang is both an acceptable and prestigious way to live? The long range answer to these questions can only be speculated upon, but in the short termite answers are much easier to find. On the surface, gangs are a direct result of human beings personal wants and peer pressure. To determine how to effectively end gang violence we must find the way ...
    Free research essays on topics related to: merton nisbet, one up mashup, join a gang, joining a gang, marshall b clinard
  • Marshall B Clinard One Up Mashup
    1,709 words
    Gangs are a violent reality that people have to deal with in todays cities. What has made these groups come about? Why do kids feel that being in a gang is both an acceptable and prestigious way to live? The psychological answer to these questions can only be speculated upon, but in the immediate reasons and benefits are much easier to find. On the surface, they are a direct result of human beings personal wants and peer pressure. To determine how to effectively end gang violence, we must find t...
    Free research essays on topics related to: marshall b clinard, joining a gang, merton nisbet, one up mashup, violent gang
  • One Up Mashup Joining A Gang
    1,653 words
    Gangs are a violent reality that people have to deal with in todays cities. What has made these groups come about? Why do kids feel that being in a gang is both an acceptable and prestigious way to live? The long-range answer to these questions can only be speculated upon, but in the short term the answers are much easier to find. On the surface, gangs are a direct result of human beings personal wants and peer pressure. To determine how to effectively end gang violence we must find the way that...
    Free research essays on topics related to: join a gang, gang violence, joining a gang, one up mashup, violent gang
  • Marshall B Clinard One Up Mashup
    1,558 words
    &# 65279; Gangs are a violent reality that people have to deal with in todays cities. What has made these groups come about? Why do kids feel that being in a gang is both an acceptable and prestigious way to live? The long range answer to these questions can only be speculated upon, but in the short term the answers are much easier to find. On the surface, gangs are a direct result of human beings personal wants andover pressure. To determine how to effectively end gang violence we must find the...
    Free research essays on topics related to: merton nisbet, one up mashup, joining a gang, join a gang, marshall b clinard
  • Marshall B Clinard Joining A Gang
    1,447 words
    Gangs are a Gangs Gangs Gangs are a violent reality that people have to deal with in today s cities. What has made these groups come about? Why do kids feel that being in gang is both an acceptable and prestigious way to live? The long-range answers to these questions can only be speculated upon, but in short term the answers are much easier to find. On the surface gangs are a direct result of human beings personal wants and peer pressure. By looking at the way humans are influenced in society, ...
    Free research essays on topics related to: join a gang, violent gang, merton nisbet, joining a gang, marshall b clinard
  • One Up Mashup Joining A Gang
    1,531 words
    Gangs are a Gangs GANGS Gangs are a violent reality that people have to deal with in todays cities. I live on the east side of Detroit where street gangs are increasing in number. What has made these groups come about? Why do kids feel that being in a gang is both an acceptable and prestigious way to live? The long range answer to these questions can only be speculated upon, but in the short term the answers are much easier to find. On the surface, gangs are a direct result of human beings perso...
    Free research essays on topics related to: join a gang, one up mashup, gang violence, violent gang, joining a gang
  • One Up Mashup Joining A Gang
    1,583 words
    Gangs February 19, GANGS Other/None: Gangs February 19, 199 Gangs are a violent reality that many people have to deal with in todays cities. What has made these groups come about? Why do kids feel that being part of a gang is both an acceptable and prestigious way to live? The long-range answer to these questions can only be speculated upon, but in the short term the answers are much easier to find. On the surface, gangs are a direct result of human beings personal wants and peer pressure. To de...
    Free research essays on topics related to: one up mashup, gang situation, gang violence, join a gang, joining a gang
  • Sicilian Mafia American Mafia
    1,430 words
    Throughout history, crime has existed in many different forms and has been committed by not only individuals, but by groups as well. Crime is something that knows no boundaries; it exists in all cultures, is committed by all races, and has existed in all time periods. Crime exists as a part of the economic institution and is a lifestyle for many people. (The True Story) Crime also exists in both organized and unorganized forms. Since the early 1930 s, organized crime has existed in the United St...
    Free research essays on topics related to: sole purpose, american mafia, street gangs, sicilian mafia, secret society
  • Don T Care Studies Have Shown
    2,062 words
    Why Do Female Youths Join Gangs? Female youths join street gangs on the basis of gender conflict, lack of family support and violence in their lives. Through adolescence young females have a much harder time than young males dealing with family, sexuality and the harsh reality of living in the urban ghetto. Young females who must endure these facets of life have little opportunity to succeed. Consequently, these young women turn to a replacement family, a place where they feel they are needed an...
    Free research essays on topics related to: chesney lind, studies have shown, gang involvement, female gangs, don t care
  • Prison Gangs Gang Members
    973 words
    Colon has been in prison since 1971. He was convicted of murdering a rival gang member and for trafficking in heroin while inside of Stateville, located in Joliet. Colon said, The gangs have an understanding with each other. We talk to each other to ensure that we dont have a confrontation. We try to keep the static down. In the state prison located in downstate Menard, Illinois, an inmate by the name of Gino Colon Gang leaders run major drug operations from their cells. In order to understand h...
    Free research essays on topics related to: gangs, gang, prison system, gang members, prison gangs
  • Houston Chronicle Gang Violence
    1,053 words
    Gangs are becoming a growing problem in American society. More young people are turning to gangs to solve problems in there lives. When youths join gangs they drop social activities with family, friends and school. Members fall behind their classmates in school and do not try. A study shows that less than 1 % of gang bangers is literate 1. Gangs destroy teenager lives and destroy their chances for a good education and happy life. Gangs are now a haven for rats. Teenagers are joining gangs every ...
    Free research essays on topics related to: police department, gang members, houston chronicle, join gangs, gang violence

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