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... a second diary of way the client does when not working. In this way, problems outside of work can be identified and dealt with in the same manner as the ones at work. We may find that problems outside of work are causing the executive to work too much. Create a plan for dealing with each specific in the above lists and a method of assessment. List the tasks in order of importance and the steps required to achieve each.

Set a time period within which each must be accomplished. One example might be: Discuss email needs with an assistant, criteria for personally dealing with it by sender or content, then route all email to the assistant for screening. The assessment might be stated as reduce the time used for email from the current to hours to twenty minutes or less. The time frame might be three weeks. Once this is accomplished it should be tracked to prevent backsliding until a habit is established. Assessing the results In developmental coaching the assessment is the most important area, as it tracks progress and provides gratification, thereby increasing confidence.

It also raises trust between the client and the coach as the client can see concrete results. This is the prime reason for ongoing assessment. However, in process assessment is also important to provide flexibility in the process. If one area works more quickly or another more slowly, according to ongoing assessment, then adjustments can be made. Assessment for the problems causing the executive to work an 80 hour week will vary greatly according to the profile of the client. However, if it is found, for example, that the client does not like to spend time with the children, because he or she feels inadequate with them, one step might be to select an activity in which the clients feels empowered and even expert, and then plan to share that activity with the children three times.

The assessment of these would include assessment of how the client feels after each and how do the children feel after each. A method must, therefore, be devised to asses the feelings of the children. So this would involve incremental assessment and adjustments can then be made in subsequent activities. If the activity is, for example, going to a local attraction, it should be planned with the children in mind, including break times, length of activity, preparation and winding down afterwards.

If, after the first outing, the children felt that they waited too long for lunch, the time could be moved or an extra snack break inserted. Agenda Based Coaching This kind of coaching usually addresses specific issues, one at a time, rather than overall development. and generally requires less time and effort, and is easier to assess. It is most often based upon specific areas of work rather than on the development of the overall person, and is usually limited to one area in which the client feels he or she needs assistance. This relationship gives the client more control, but the areas within which the coaching is done are limited. For example, the client may feel the need to address the 80 hour work week at this time, so all coaching will be limited to addressing that problem as much as possible.

It is a given that there will be crossover to other areas while doing this, but they are all focused on reducing the work week to the established goal. Agenda coaching most often occurs in a very long term relationship with the client as the client depends upon the coach to aid him or her in each step of development as they see it. The agenda of the client is the only real consideration in this type of coaching. If these goals are in conflict with the organization within which he or she works, then plans are made to either change the corporate agenda or move the executive to a new environment in line with his or her agenda. Coaching is practiced as an ongoing, threaded conversation, not an event tied to performance reviews. This allows for continual connection and follow-up between people and their work results. 5 (Crane, Tom 2004) Planning for Agenda Based Coaching Because agenda based coaching is usually controlled more by the client and is assumed to be a long term relationship, the planning is ongoing.

The beginning of each session will cover a review quickly of the current agenda, and assessment of where we are in the process. The planning is done for each new agenda and then again for each new step, and each incremental step. So planning, while initially may include an overall plan, is ongoing at every step. The planning will address the current agenda and will be made according to the specific goal at the time.

The professional coach must keep track of progress and develop an overall plan as the relationship develops, but this is separate form any contact with the client and for the coach's benefit as much as the clients. Identification of goals is also an ongoing process, as an overall goal may be quite intangible at the beginning. Creating the Process As in creating the plan, the process may be different at each step, as the coach and client move through the various agendas which are identified by the client, sometimes with the aid of the coach. The overall plan is one of creating the ongoing relationship, and the other planning is done on an as needed basis.

Therefore, the process is far more malleable than with developmental coaching, as there are changes made according to each new agenda. In developmental coaching, changes are only made as the development of the individual reaches new levels. In agenda based coaching, the coaching is the plan, and includes making plans for current agendas, and the process is the development of the relationship. The identification of goals should also be ongoing with the process and part of it, just as the assessment will be. The process may involve all the steps discuss above concerning developmental coaching, but there is generally no time limit on the coaching itself. Essentially, the difference in the two is that the developmental coach may be hired to resolve a life change problem or help an newly promoted executive adjust to the change and adapt to the new role, while agenda based coaching is an ongoing relationship designed to improve the clients life.

Assessing the Results Assessment is also ongoing with the first two steps, but may be more important than in developmental coaching, because it helps to identify further issues. While developmental coaching is based on a particular set of goals, agenda based coaching is based upon the overall goal of improving the clients life at every step. The Essential Differences between the two coaching styles Essentially the approach is somewhat different as are the overall goals. The developmental model is most often used for a more limited period of time, though it may evolve into the agenda based relationship as the client may decide to continue well past the original goals. The organization can often see the ROI of this model much easier, and so are often more willing to fund this type of coaching. Some benefits for the organization include the following: A more effective leader will increase the bottom line, help to retain people and overall increase the leadership effectiveness of his or her team Retention of good leaders is a key benefit of coaching, since few people a perfect from the start.

Therefore, helping employees with their development makes for happier employees, who will be loyal to the company Overall morale will improve with all the people having contact with the client undergoing coaching Specific goals can be reached effectively Using an outside coach is often seen as more objective and more effective for this reason As the executive develops personally his or her value to the company increases The company acquires a well developed individual able to pass on what he or she knows to others Benefits for the coaches include: Setting better goals. Reaching their goals faster. Making significant life changes Designing their ideal life Making better choices Having someone to encourage them Becoming more financially successful Improving their relationships Strengthening their personal foundation. Reducing stress Increasing revenue Getting ahead professionally Simplifying their lives Making a significant impact in the world Of course, it stands to reason that these benefits accrue no matter which style of coaching is used, and those which benefit the company also benefit the coaches and visa-versa. The major differences in the benefits to the business are that the developmental model may have faster results and the company can measure the time and money required. Using the agenda model, the companys goals are not always the first addressed, and the results may seem slower.

This is the reason that the developmental model is most often used, because the company can measure it more effectively and limit the scope and cost. However, for long term effectiveness, the use of the agenda based model and the decision to retain the ongoing services of the coach may be more. They simply are not as easily measured, partly because the client may address personal issues as well as business ones. However, this particular relationship may actually be partly responsible for promotions, while the other type may be a resulting need of same.

Hassan Bakhtari, "Cultural Effects on Management Style: A Comparative Study of American and Middle Eastern Management Styles, " International Studies of Management & Organization 25. 3 (1995), Questia, 7 Mar. 2006 < web >. 2. web 3. Silsbee, Doug, 4 / 1 / 2005 Establishing a coaching relationship with subordinates. (BUSINESS RESOURCES), Arbor Age 4. O'Brien, Michael, 4 / 1 / 1997. Executive coaching. , Supervision 5. Tom Crane Coaching, 2004 web 6.

Shirley, Bill, 2004 Understanding What Coaching Is All About & How You Can Benefit From Working With A Coach. C 4 C 50130 Coaching Explained. Doc web

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