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Example research essay topic: African Americans York City - 1,201 words

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An Old Fashion Dog Fight in the Big Apple: The 1998 U. S. Senate race in New York is one of the most heated and competitive political battles in the country. New York has traditionally been a place where only the strong willed, and tough at heart could compete; a place where crafty tactics, extensive connections, and stocks of cash are essential aspects of political competition. This years combat field of a campaign has been no exception. The two primary candidates, 60 year old, incumbent, republican, Alfonse Damato, and 47 year old, democratic challenger, Charles E.

Schumer, have been pitted against each other, head to head, for much of the campaign. Both candidates have strong backgrounds and powerful messages while also pursuing rather abrasive, aggressive, and, in some instances, vindictive strategies. Most current polls have the two contestants neck and neck, with Schumer gaining a slight advantage in recent days. The fact of the matter is that Damato is a strong politician that knows how to get things done; however, he also flaunts a capricious, and impulsive style. With Al D'Amato, what you see is what you get, and what you get is often vital, sometimes useful and always unpredictable. 1 Schumer, on the other hand, offers the qualities of a serious lawmaker with more rooted values, sounder policy positions and a deeper commitment to the common good; in addition, a deeper compassion for the average citizen, and a professional tact and probity that each and every politician should exhibit.

It seems that it is time for a change; New York needs to be able to supply the Senate and our nation with strong and balanced leadership. Leadership that best benefits, reflects, and represents the quite diverse and heterogeneous population of New York. It seems that the people of New York, might have just had enough with Damato and his consistent embarrassing remarks and behavior on the floor of one of the most prominent and distinguished institutions of our land. Though the outcome should surely prove to be excitingly close, I feel comfortable predicting Charles Schumer the victor of the grueling contest.

New York as a political state has a variety of significant characteristics. It is one of the largest and most diverse states in the union, with a population of approximately 18. 2 million people, housing a broad range of ethnicities, races, and income brackets. The population is made up primarily of Caucasians (76. 4 % of voter pop. ), African Americans (14. 7 % of voter pop. ), Hispanics (11. 2 % of voter pop. ), and Asians (3. 8 % of pop. ). 2 When most people think of New York, they think of New York City; however, it is important to note, that about 16 % of the state is rural. 3 Further, the population is also relatively young, with a median age of about 35 and only 13 % of the of the population over the age of 65. 4 In terms of an educated electorate, almost 45 % of the population has a college education. 5 New York is typically the most Democratic of the larger states. The Democratic influence used to come from middle-income Jews and Catholics in the outer boroughs of New York City who still account for a large portion of the population. 6 However, today, the Democratic vote comes from African Americans, Puerto Ricans and liberal Manhattan whites. 7 New York holds great influence in presidential elections as well, with 33 electoral votes, the second-highest number behind California's 54. While in presidential politics the Empire State tends to vote Democratic, in state politics voters have trended Republican. 8 New Yorkers elected Republican Rudy Giuliani as New York City mayor in 1993 and again in 1997 and chose Republican George Pataki as governor in 1994. More specifically, the state has about 47 % registered Democrats and 30 % registered Republicans. 9 Moreover, New Yorkers tend to vote in relatively the same proportion as the rest of the nation; in 1996, approximately 48 % of the voter population actually voted. 10 The incumbent candidate, Alfonse Damato is a 60 year old, Italian, Roman Catholic, three-term republican senator. 11 He was first elected to the senate in 1980, and won reelection in 1986 in a landslide victory.

His reelection in 1992 was much closer, where he procured 47 % of the vote, and his opponent 41 %. 12 Prior to being elected to the senate, Damato participated extensively in local politics, securing a number of local elected positions; as well as practicing law. 13 He presently serves on the Appropriations and Select Intelligence committees; and chairs the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. 14 When examining Damato, one has to admire the energy and bulldog drive that he has displayed in his 18 years in Washington; there is no doubt that he is a fighter, and he gets things done. Whether it's to get a bigger and fairer share of the pie for his region's transportation needs, to force the Swiss government to face up to its responsibilities to Holocaust victims, to stand up for gay rights, to fight for breast cancer research funds, or to make sure that every pothole in the state is filled, D'Amato pursues his goals with single-minded determination and a seeming love of battle. Though, their is the darker side of Damato. He has consistently, throughout his tenure as senator, exhibited an impulsive style where he often says and does things without thinking. He has been known to insult just about every ethnic, religious, and constituency group their is. Further, Damato has been known to cater more to the large donator's and big political interests, than to his own constituents.

On a number of issues, he has also been seen to be too far to the right for most New Yorkers; such issues include his support of the shutting down of the government as well as his opposition to gun control. Yes, he does bring home a good portion of bacon, but he seems more devoted to special interest than to the people. Damato, enjoys a modest advantage in the suburban areas (46 %) and residential areas (48 %) as well as among whites (47 %). The challenger, democrat, Charles E.

Schumer, is a 47 year old, Jewish, nine term Congressmen representing the Ninth Congressional District in Brooklyn and Queens. 15 Schumer serves as a senior member of the Committee on Banking and Financial Services and on the Judiciary Committee, where he is the highest ranking Democrat on the Crime Subcommittee. 16 Prior to running for a position in the House, Schumer was elected to the New York State Assembly at the age of 23, the youngest since Theodore Roosevelt. 17 It has been written that in Schumer, D'Amato faces his most able, most talented opponent. 18 Schumer has been a uniquely effective legislator whose intelligence, analytical ability and unusual willingness to forge bipartisan coalitions has resulted in substantial legislation. Most notably perhaps, Schumer is best-known for having championed the Brady bill's five-day waiting period for handgun purchases and the assault weapons ban that was enacted as part of the 1994 crime bill. 19 In addition, lik...

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Research essay sample on African Americans York City

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