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Example research essay topic: Lady Macbeth King Duncan - 797 words

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Macbeth was one of King Duncan s most noble, and honored men. His wisdom and bravery are practically unmatched and his loyalty was untouchable. Macbeth was the ideal noblemen to a King until Lady Macbeth got in the way. Paying no attention to honor, decency or the consequences, Lady Macbeth brought forth courage to Macbeth and with it, the crown.

Now having the responsibility of all Scotland, Lady Macbeth was finally happy, and so thought was Macbeth. Lady Macbeth, due to her lack of thought and reason, is in fact why Macbeth killed Duncan, became king, and is the reason why the two of them did not live happily ever after. As act one begins and Macbeth pays visit to the witches, it is cloudy in his mind how he will ever become king. Uncertain of the witch s prophecies, he relays word that he is to return to his castle immediately and rendezvous with Lady Macbeth. Macbeth approaches the castle to the waiting lady and tells her of the witch s predictions. Caught up in the joy, Lady Macbeth immediately maps out a plan to murder Duncan.

Macbeth at this point remains loyal to King Duncan and can t visualize himself inheriting the throne due to murdering Duncan. He is convinced to let nature take its course and keep Scotland under its rightful leadership. Lady Macbeth, on the other hand is extremely excited about the idea of becoming queen, and continues on with her persuasive thoughts towards the death of Duncan. She now begins to express fear that Macbeth will not have the ruthlessness to do what is necessary to become king.

Thus after Macbeth arrives and expresses his reluctance to commit murder, Lady Macbeth continues to urge him on. Macbeth is forced to chose between a king who has always been there and supported him, and his wife, whom he dearly loves and cherishes. Macbeth remains hesitant and uncertain throughout these complications. He wishes to remain loyal but begins to realize that the only way to inherit the throne is through murder. Macbeth's characteristics would have remained the same with the absence of Lay Macbeth, but due to her presence we can slowly see them change. Starting off loyal to Duncan and Scotland, Macbeth now considers the idea of murder, but is still somewhat hesitant.

He now wishes to become king but is uncertain the consequences are worth the reward. Macbeth is beginning to feel the pressures of which Lady Macbeth is forcing upon him and is beginning to worry. Lady Macbeth is however ready to be queen. Throughout this whole ordeal, she never throws away the thought of murder, or sitting alongside her husband as royalty. Lady Macbeth, too frantic to even realize the pros or cons, has a one set frame of mind and is determined to make it that of Macbeth as well.

She becomes very temperamental, and ornery, and shows no sign of rational thought what so ever. She even tells Macbeth to do this for her, as she would sacrifice the life of their only son for him, leaving Macbeth with but no way out. Finally, Macbeth gives in and Murders Duncan. This is where the true leadership role of the family begins to weigh over towards Lady Macbeth. Macbeth is terrified with what e has done and is certain they will be caught. He is so horrified by what he has been convinced to do that he forgets all remaining plans, and goes directly back to his quarters.

Macbeth shows a lot of character here. He feels immediately guilty for what he has done, and only wishes he could undo what has been done. Macbeth begins to ramble and is in no way happy with the direct results. He has murdered his friend, king, and the one person who held so much trust within him. Lady Macbeth is now forced to take over. She immediately retraces Macbeth s steps and finds all of the faults in his actions.

She, for the first time, is beginning to think clearly, and is making note of their actions. Lady Macbeth, returns to the crime scene, relaxed to clean up the mess, and make it appear to be a struggle between the drunken guards and king. Finally Lady Macbeth rushes to cleanse her hands and return to bed, ecstatic with the changes soon to take place. Lady Macbeth uses her wit and charm to turn noble Macbeth against his own king through persuasion and guilt. Lady Macbeth is truly the more evil of the two and remains so throughout the scene. Without Lady Macbeth, Scotland would be with it s rightful ruler, and Macbeth would not have to continuously look over his shoulder to assure him that his safety is attainable. 33 a

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Research essay sample on Lady Macbeth King Duncan

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