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Example research essay topic: Snarled And Rattled Sound Of Sense Poem - 564 words

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The sound of sense is a phrase that Frost used to describe a feeling. This feeling as the book describes it is similar to the feeling you get listening to a conversation at a distance. You may be unable to hear every word that is spoken, but you are able to gain, though voice tones and patterns, the jest of the conversation. Frost utilizes this sense throughout his works. As you read his works, simply through the words used and the rhyme scheme the overall emotions that he is trying to convey. For instance, in the poem Out, Out, Frost uses words such as snarled and rattled to describe the sounds of the chainsaw.

These words depict a wild, aggressive sound, helping us imagine the sounds. As you read Out, Out your normal reading pace is sped. Using these words Frost helps us keep the pace, so to speak, that his words were meant to be read at. He emphasizes this tone later in the poem by once again describing the sounds of the saw. And the saw snarled and rattled, snarled and rattled. He next tells us that their day of work was over; the sawing would soon be over.

Instantly, Frost says the saw leaped from the boy s hand, and he gave it to the saw. At first the poem keeps its speed and tone as the boy cries out in a rueful laugh. After this line, the entire mood of the poem changes. The poem goes from erratic, loud sense to a more frantic but at the same time somber sense. Simply from the tone a reader would not have to read the rest of the poem to know the boys hand was lost. Mowing, another great work of Frost s, has a much more peaceful sense Mowing describes a man working in a field alone.

He is using a scythe to cut grass in a field. Threw words like whisper and lack of sound the reader gets a feeling of isolation. Also, from the rhyme scheme and word usage you can almost hear the repetition as the man moves his scythe across in a strong forceful way, and return it to make the next cut. You also get a sense that the man as he works is taking in the sights around him. Finally, Birches is a poem that Frost uses description, pattern, and scheme to give the poem an overall mood.

Birches is simply a poem about a young boy climbing to the top of a tree. As the boy reaches the top, his weight causes the tree to bend over to the ground. The poem simple subject is brought to life. To me, the poem is written in a steady tapping sound. They click on themselves and the stir cracks and crazes their enamel helps the reader to almost hear the beat of the poem. He uses comparisons to add to the richness of his words.

As I am writing the sound of sense is everywhere. A person could stand outside the door of this classroom and just know a test is being taken. The sounds of the papers shuffling, the overall feeling is so prevalent yet not a word is spoken. He begins by pondering who owns these woods. Quickly he states that the owner lives in town and would not see him, admiring his land.

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Research essay sample on Snarled And Rattled Sound Of Sense Poem

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