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Example research essay topic: Man Named Four People - 806 words

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The Count Of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas is a story which begins in 19 th century France. The Main character, Edmond Dantes begins the story as a happy man. He has everything going for him. ? you? re a lucky man, Edmond, and you have a very pretty mistress, sir? ? she?

s not my mistress, sir? ? she? s my fiancee. ? This changes quickly when Dantes is imprisoned.

Four people plot against him. The people are Gaspard Caderousse, he want? s Dantes imprisoned because Second was Monsieur de Villefort, He wanted to put Dantes into prison because Villefortfound out that Dantes had a letter from the island of Elba, that stated that villefort was a Bonapartist. Villefort was afraid that this would ruin him in society.

The third person was Monsieur Dangles. He wanted Dantes imprisoned because Dantes was younger, more capable, more assured because he was a young man. Last but not least Fernand Mondego (alias the Count De Morcerf. ) He wanted Dantes imprisoned because he loved Mercedes and he knew that he couldn? t have her. While in prison Dantes gained knowledge from a man named Abbe Faria. He also learned of a treasure on an Island.

But soon Abbe died and Dantes slipped into Abbe? stock and was thrown into the ocean. Dantes was prepared he had a knife and cut the sack open and got the cannon ball off his legs and then he swam up to the surface, were there were huge swells Dantes almost drowned if it wasn? t for a man named Jacob and his ship. This ship was a smuggling ship so Daunts began to smuggle. One day they were huntington an island and Daunts slips off in search for the treasure.

But only taking a pocket full treasure. He then puts everything back as it was, then he goes back to the ship. The ship sails to Rome where he seeks revenge on Four People Caderousse, Villefort, Dangles, and Fernando. Later on old Madame Saint-Merino And Monsieur Saint-Merino were poisoned by drinking glasses of orangeade. Then an hour later they died. They both we reburied side by side next to Renee.

Then Villefort makes immediate plans for his daughter marry France d? Epinay. But then Villefort find a letter that says that France is secretly is a Bonapartist. And the Marriage is called off. The reasons for seeking revenge are Caderousse framed Daunts. He never came to Daunts aid when he was imprisoned.

The Daunts escapes from prison and disguises himself as Babe Buskin and learns about the entire nature of Caderousse? s conspiracy against Daunts. So then Daunts gas two bodyguards France D? Epinay and Albert De Mercer. These two are seeking love in Rome. Some night they stand guard over Daunts house.

Caderousse tries to rob Mantis? s houseboat does not succeed, he is stabbed by one of the body guards. Villefort gets revenge on Villefort by watching Villefort bury Bertuccio alive. But Daunts thinks it is gold so heroes and digs it up and there is a baby inside. So he raises him up and then daunts goes to Villefort and tells him this is your son and then Bertuccio becomes the main key in the divine justice and accuses and destroys Villefort forever. Dangles writes a letter assuring Daunts imprisonment.

Dangles becomes a very wealthy man by using illegal banking methods. The count, however, is more clever, and he gradually goes bankrupt. But he disappeared and was captured by Luis Vamp, an old friend of Daunts. Daunts stripes 5 million francs from his pockets and then was freed. Now he is an old and weak man, worst of all he is a penniless man. Fernando mailed that letter that Dangles wrote putting Daunts into prison.

He was hoping while Daunts was in prison he could marry Mercedes. Fernando became wealthy by betraying a high authority named Ail Pasha, whose daughter sold to slavery. When Daunts gains this knowledge he realizes information to thepressthat proves that Morcerf is a traitor. When all this treachery is exposed and his wieland son run away he kills him self with a gun. Then Dantes Turn to his slave Haydee and tells her that he is entrusting her future to Valentine and Maximilien; but Haydee says thats will die without Dantes so she tells him that she loves him and the next day in the horizon the sail off into there future. Dantes changes through the novel?

As it happens to every man at least once in his life, Iwas once raised by Satan to the top of the highest mountain on the Earth? Dantes also changes at the end of the novel? can what I suspected be true? ? he cried? Haydee, would you be happy to stay with me? ? 35 e

Free research essays on topics related to: man named, villefort, dantes, four people, caderousse

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