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Example research essay topic: Feet And Making Walked Up The Beach Sand - 526 words

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Fine white sand clung on to my damp feet as I ambled along the beach. It was a lovely afternoon and the sun was shining brightly above the horizon, with the sea soaking up some of its radiant rays, reflecting the others, and shimmering vibrantly under the sky. I could see dark outlines of birds flying way over the mountains, flapping their wings and soaring higher and further away until they were so small that they could hardly be seen. I walked towards the edge of the water and small waves collapsed gently against my feet, reaching up to my ankles.

A pleasant feeling of relaxation poured over me, then the wave gently pulled back, drawing the sand from under my feet and making it seem like the ground beneath my feet was moving. I turned around and scanned the rest of the beach. The sand was glistening brightly under the suns rays, and a tender and slightly humid zephyr had picked up and rustled gently through my hair, sending a brief shiver down my spine. I turned back and walked up the beach, more sand particles sticking to my soggy, wet feet and making a depression in the sand as I took each step. I sat myself down beside a small pile of deposited coral and stared as far out as my eyes could see. As the afternoon moved on, nearing evening, before the sun was about to set, the firmament was a blend of colours.

There was a manage of pinks, oranges and reds scattered across the sky. The sea itself was tranquil and serene, mirroring the shades of the sky and forming lively reflections in its waters and the sand still slightly glimmered in the gentle light of the sun. As evening took its place, the waves were getting bigger by the hour as the wind picked up speed. The sun began to set more quickly now and soon enough, it disappeared behind the mountains, leaving only faint rays to be seen just above the horizon. Then, they too vanished. The sky was growing darker was filled with the sound of thousands of birds chirping, making their way home.

Soon enough, darkness poured itself over the entire beach and the sounds of the birds vanished as quickly as they had come, and nothing but the sound of thick silence, so palpable that I could almost taste it was present, but with the occasional swash, as the waves came in every few moments. As night fell over the beach, the waves were more powerful and sizable with great intensity, crashing recklessly against the rocks and boulders, leaving white foam to slowly slip off. The wind was stronger now, as it whipped my hair against my face and tangled it hopelessly into difficult knots. The mountains poking above the horizon were towering across the beach, casting dark, eerie shadows in the waters, making the whole scene a lot less welcoming.

I turned around and walked up the beach, and felt the smooth sand disappear from under my feet as I stepped onto the rough road, which would take me back home, away from the beach

Free research essays on topics related to: birds, beach, waves, sky, sand

Research essay sample on Feet And Making Walked Up The Beach Sand

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