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Example research essay topic: Taught How Valuable Emotional Damage Children - 927 words

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The goals of responsible parents. Responsible parents should make it their primary goal in life to develop their children into productive caring and happy members of society, with as few hang-ups, such as racism, mysticism, lack of self worth and other value destroying traits as possible. Any personal goals that had not been achieved or were not well along when the children were born should be put on the back burner or at least de-prioritised. Where there are children their interests must come first. Whatever you have not achieved by the time you have children you must put on hold until they have been reared.

if you do not you will risk raising a person who will destroy all that you create. However; if you put your energy into your children then; chances are, they will achieve all you set out to do and more. In addition they will not be destroying the society that you and your generation worked hard to build. I am not talking about the necessary ambitions in life that include work and development of your life in general, I mean the time consuming asset draining entertainment or delusional perceptions of our potential that may obstruct a meaningful relationship with your children. Having children is a very serious responsibility, parents are greatly responsible for the way their children turn out whether that is positive or negative.

It is not what you teach your children - children can learn for themselves (as can be painfully obvious), rather it is the way you train their thinking ability; the way they perceive that which they see. For example; a child that has not been taught how valuable he / she is will be far more likely to engage in futile conflicts of whatever sort whether political or just drunken disorder. If people are not taught how valuable they are all they will learn from life is how valueless they seem. If you teach a child that he / she is of massive importance to the world and is capable of achieving anything that they set out to do they will be more aware of situations that may be detrimental to them. they will be more likely to live long and fruitful lives that benefit mankind in the short and long-term. The older our society becomes the more lessons we learn about what is and what is not good for our long term future and the better we get as a society in producing values and reducing detrimental practices, products and principals; in short the older the world gets the longer people will be able to live and that means they / we will have a better chance of correcting and from then on running our lives in a way that benefits us and makes us happy.

Our children need to be taught this; they need to know that they are potent in their world and that if they have the motivation they can make their world into a place that is good to live in. If they are taught this they will learn to benefit themselves and avoid things that will (in the long term) make them unhappy, unfulfilled and wasted as humans. Things like alcohol abuse. smoking, drugs & dangerous sports.

If children are taught the art of accurate perception, they will know how best to benefit both themselves and the rest of mankind. they will; most likely, live long and happy lives and achieve all they set out to do. In addition they will bring great benefits and pride to you as parents. Everyone should know that there are always two sides to any story.

Stephen Covey in his book The 7 habits of highly effective families describes the understanding and utilisation of this fact as synergy (habit 6) "the supreme or highest of all the fruits." This knowledge which most of us have come to accept as true can be used to greatly increase the likelihood of success in any relationship including that between parents and children. Your children have a point of view on their life from a very early age and taking that viewpoint into consideration can help you as parents to create the very best environment for them to develop in. There are no set patterns for raising children because they are all different and respond in different ways to stimuli. The only way you can rear your child successfully is to know what makes that child tick and to do that you must learn to understand what you are seeing in your children.

Many people can accurately discern the attitudes and drive behind adult companions but children are very different and can be more affected by things they do not recognise or understand. For example; most people are quite adept at protecting themselves emotionally from others that are perhaps insensitive to their feelings, Children are not so aware and therefore parents need to know what and how different things affect their children and care for them accordingly. It is true that children will eventually learn these lessons for themselves but as long as parents can teach them from second hand experience their children will grow up with less emotional damage and be more productive and happy individuals. Learning first hand almost always leads people to emotional damage that even in the best scenario takes time to repair often at the cost of their own children. So if parents used these goals as their destination what might the rest of their life look like from the eyes of their children?

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Research essay sample on Taught How Valuable Emotional Damage Children

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