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Example research essay topic: George And Lennie Lennie And George - 710 words

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ter> Lennie and George: In what ways are they 'mates'? Is this a true friendship, as you understand friendship? George and Lennie are in every instance 'mates'. I suppose that some opposition comes from the book where George often says that Lennie is a nuisance, and he got stuck with him because of an auntie of Lennie's. In the novel you get an idea that this is an act, and he cares for Lennie because Lennie says, "'Cause you got me, George and I got you" and George agrees. George is a reasonably intelligent, hardworking ranchman. Lennie on the other hand always manages to find trouble.

He is equally as hardworking and honest as George but his simple childlike mind always finds him trouble wherever he goes. However they have one thing that unites the two of them as close as any bond can. This is that they both share the same dream of owning their own ranch - and after many hard working years, moving from ranch to ranch, living in complete poverty and working for next to nothing they finally try to achieve this life long dream. To maintain a companion you must have things in common, you must be able to disagree with a sort of respectful understanding, and finally you must care legitimately about that person. Lennie and George's friendship meet and implement all the needed requirements for being friends. They are a textbook example of loyal friends.

They, together, are like two old people living their life in companionship. Lennie gives George someone to talk to and someone to keep him on track. George gives Lennie insight on the world and someone that will respect him even though he isn't intelligent. They, more importantly, give each other something to live for. If Lennie didn't meet George he would of died soon after his aunt did, because he would either have got himself in a bind with no one to help him or he would of simply wondered off and died of loneliness. Although, no matter how much he tries, George cannot make up for the huge gap in Lennie's mind.

Lennie is so childish it is hard to believe, for example when he sees things he wants to grab and touch them. Throughout the book, the stress of Lennie's retardation begins to weigh down on George. Because of Lennie, they are nomads. Wherever they go, Lennie gets them in trouble.

But the friendship holds together and are never seperated. At there last location in a town named Weed, Lennie grabbed a woman's dress to feel it and soon startled the woman with his overwhelming strength. So, once again George had to rescue Lennie, and with that they had to move again. George knew he could leave Lennie and have a great life, but what was a friend for. He couldn't just abandon Lennie. Together, as they travel from place to place looking for their chance at making their dream a reality, they use each other's strong points to help them complete the task.

Without one another the two characters would have absolutely no chance at success, for what one is lacking the other has an ample amount of. George and Lennie are the perfect example of how opposites attract. The two of them have spent the majority of their adult lives together and know each other better than they know anybody else in the entire world. They share their hard times and the good, their victories and their defeats, but most importantly they share a common dream. In the novel, the friendship between George and Lennie never ceases, not until the last scene where George blows Lennie's head off are we shown that the compassion between the two is so great that one has to die by the other. George has given up his chance at a somewhat normal life to help Lennie live as full of a life as he is mentally capable of doing.

As the story progresses you see that George starts to resent the fact that he is being held back by Lennie: .".. crazy son-of-a-bitch. You keep me in hot water all the time" (pg. 11). Although George says this the friendship, or even love, is still between them.

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Research essay sample on George And Lennie Lennie And George

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