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Example research essay topic: Target Audiences Aged People Image - 752 words

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The primary purpose of an advertisement is to sell a certain product; even though advertising has many other purposes too. Each advertising campaign is based on a particular purpose, or to help meet specific goals. Through advertising a company or individual is trying to do the following functions: The first is communicating the brand personality. They make people aware and convey the type of company that is selling the product. The second is indicating the brand's place in the community. It is important that the consumer see how they can fit these products or services into their daily life, and what are the benefits they are getting from it.

The third is to build up a brand name. It is decisive to make the brand recognizable through a logo or reputation so people can easily recall them. The advertisement I chose for analyzing is 'Aveda'; which is popular for manufacturing beauty products. They are manufacturing and distributing their products among people for a decade. They make products for hair, skin, and for the body care. The purpose of this ad is to definitely create market for their product but on the other hand it has another solemn idea.

They are trying to create social awareness which is also their strategy of business. They are saying, "If anyone buys a product of 'Aveda' a portion will go to the fund for saving threatened and endangered plants" which is encouraging people to buy their products and have chance to contribute to the environment. For this ad I think the target audiences are middle aged people rather than teenager. Albeit they (Aveda) make products for everyone but the ad is more concerning for older people.

Age and income level is an important issue for this ad. Not everyone would like to pay attention to this ad; and it would not be affordable to everyone to have this product although they are adult. In this ad they depict an environmental issue which concerns the intellectual people of the society who think of social responsibilities. The young people in general look at an ad which offers some lucrative features or has great value to them or has exciting offer or they simply could say that there are other people who will take care of the environment or they could think right now it is not our duty. The ad appears in a well known magazine. The name of the magazine is 'Oprah'.

It is a very popular magazine. Target audience of the magazine starts from the early 30 's and till aged people. The ad itself is more concerning for matured people. So, it is worthwhile for 'Aveda' to select this magazine. The ad does not use any celebrity or any product. They meticulously select the image for this ad.

It is essential to keep bond with the theme and image. The theme of their ad is "Save our power plants. " The image demonstrates an endangered plant is being held with care which is relevant with the theme. By that they want to show we really do what we mean. The ad has both text and image. But it's the text which plays a vital role. The image here is to support the text.

Without text, just glancing over the image nobody would understand anything. Perhaps, they would say, it is a nice picture and it could be selected for an exhibition but the sole purpose of select this image for the ad would be in vain. On the other hand, without image even though the ad is meaningful but there is a chance that many target audiences will overlook the ad because they might not find it appealing to them. So, it looks immaculate with the combination of both image and text.

Because the text says what they will do and the image emphasize on that. Everyone knows that there is always a peephole; especially for the advertisement. They are trying to hoodwink people in a smart way which is also true for this ad. In the later part of the text they mentioned if anyone buys particular product only in April then a portion will go to their conservation partner. And in the bottom in a very diminutive font they said "from participating in certain shop. " Moreover, nobody knows how much that portion would be and who are their conservation partners. In the end, I would like to conclude by saying that the ad will be able to swindle their many target audiences.

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Research essay sample on Target Audiences Aged People Image

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