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Example research essay topic: Stomach Was Full Buy A House Contentment - 1,043 words

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There was once a woodcutter who was cutting wood near a river side, suddenly his axe fell into the river, and this was indeed heart-breaking because that was the only bread earning element of his life. He started howling around, seeing which river deity appeared and asked him about his grief. To test him, she first showed him a golden axe for which he rejected saying it was not his axe. Second came the silver axe which was refused too.

At last, she showed him his axe, and the wood cutter was happy to receive the one. But the holy divine was impressed about his honesty and granted him all the three axes. Hearing this event, a friend of that woodcutter was craving for such boons to become rich. He tried the same trick to cut the wood on river side, and purposely threw his axe into river and started weeping stridently. Deity of river appeared to ask him the same questions and this friend wanted what she showed. The divine river got enraged due to his greediness and there was neither a boon nor his axe at last.

Following the above story Benjamin Franklin says Who is wise? One who learns from everyone. Who is powerful? One who governs his passions.

Who is rich? One who is contented. True! Greed is the cause of many of our problems. We want more and more there is absolutely no end to this greed of possession no matter how much we have we still want more! Striving for more or doing better is not bad or wrong so long as it is done for the right reasons, so long as it is for the purification of the soul and not for physical, materialistic things.

If greed is not dealt with contentment, it causes competition. No matter how many materialistic things you possess, you will always find somebody with more money, a bigger house, a better car, etc. Pursuit of that is futile because ultimately it leaves you with greater dissatisfaction once the desire to acquire what so-and-so has awakens within you, the burning desire can never be fulfilled. Contentment is, when you are subjected to various longings and temptations in day-to-day life, one remains satisfied.

Contentment is basic to our soul, so when we become greedy it gives birth to sorrows and dissatisfaction. When a person is contented, they experience mental peace, ease in life and a state free from worries and tension. They do not want bigger things all the time. A person can choose an endless trip of Greed or a path to contentment and happiness. Read the following two scenarios: A person worked hard and saved money for many years to buy a house. He decided that he would get married after he had his own house.

He would say, After I buy a house, I will be content. I do not want anything else. After a few years he was able to buy a house. As soon as he entered the house he decided that he couldnt stay in an empty house and said, As soon as I furnish the house, I do not want anything else. Then he decided to get married and have children.

Then he saw that his neighbors and friends had bigger houses, luxurious car and wanted to live up to them. He decided, After I would be like them, I will be content. I do not want anything else. And the cycle started all over again! So, where exactly will this contentment lie! Let me narrate you another moral piece of information Greed and Contentment may not always be related to more or bigger.

It may sometimes deal with being happy with what one is or has. Take the example of "The Camel and the Goat" One day a camel and a goat went for a walk. They passed a grove of trees. Since the fence was very high, they could not go into the grove. But the camel saw many branches hanging over the fence. Because it was tall, the camel munched up the tender leaves from the branches till its stomach was full.

The goat did not get anything. The camel laughed and said, "Friend Goat, it is better to be tall. " They walked along. Soon, they reached a vegetable garden. This time, the goat saw a tiny gate that was open. It rushed in and happily munched up plenty of fresh, juicy vegetables.

The camel could not squeeze through the gate. After eating till his stomach was full the goat came out and said to the camel, "Friend Camel, don't you think it is sometimes better to be small?" Both understood that it was good to be as each was made. One should be content and not hanker for what someone else has. In our daily lives we crave for reaching more which has absolutely no confines. But, we need to distinguish some of our possessions into two classes viz. Materialistic and Altruistic.

House, property, assets, possessions, land & estate etc come under the former category and latter is just boundless like knowledge, learning, wisdom, intelligence, positive mind-set, explicit confidence in life and constant optimistic growth has infinite progress in our well-being. We need to be Altruistic and have constant desire to grow mentally penetrating deep into our own insights. But we should be prudent enough to make the difference between these two which would result in a contented, happy, satisfied, fulfilled & an ecstatic life. God has given for all our needs but not for our greed. Contentment is not the fulfillment of what we want, but the realization of how much we already have. The happiness behind the contentment automatically puts the mind at ease.

It helps remove whatever fears or insecurities we may have and gives us the strength to cope with any obstacles we encounter. It is the principal source of success in life. Since we are not solely material creatures, it is a mistake to place all our hopes for happiness on external development alone. The key is to develop inner peace.

Contentment is a greatest wealth Contentment is a blessing Contentment is a beautifier Contentment is eternal Contentment is self-driven and sought from our inner soul.

Free research essays on topics related to: greed, axe, camel, contentment, goat

Research essay sample on Stomach Was Full Buy A House Contentment

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