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Example research essay topic: Women Cheat Marriage Love - 831 words

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Marriage is a bond between two people who love each other. These are two people, who decide to become one, unite their love, start a family together, and spend the rest of their lives with each other. After explaining the significance of such an immense obligation, the question still remains. Why should a person place their selves in a situation they are not truly committed to? The answer can be one or many explanations, and just one solution may not always be the case. Love, sex, and confidence are just some of the reasons that women cheat.

Some women dont receive these things from their husbands so they feel the need to search for them in other places. In the bond of marriage a woman is giving herself to her husband. She is offering him all of her love. What happens if the love becomes weak, grows old, or turns sour? She will yearn for romance, or whatever it was that made her happy.

She will search for the missing part of her marriage, and the aspects that her husband lacks will be found in another man. This will be her search to fulfillment or completion. She wants to be dined, courted, and romanced. When she tries to be romantic with her husband, he ignores her and continues to read the newspaper or watch sports on the television. (Norment). The same degree of love that was there in the beginning of the marriage has slowly depleted.

Small factors in a marriage may lead to bigger problems in the future. If a womans husband isnt into opening doors any more; he may just be closing others. In the discreet world of sex, it is a double standard about women and their sexual desires. It has been said in many different breaths; Men need sex, meanwhile, women are just there to accommodate these needs of the almighty man. Women are sexual and desire the same needs as men. Women are flesh and blood just like their male counter-part.

Therefore, this ancient way of reasoning leads to many sexually deprived women. As men age their testosterone levels drop. They cant perform as they once did. With many men their egos are tied to their sexual performance. So rather attempt to have sex with their wifes, they withdraw completely at the risk of embarrassment. (Norment).

At this in a marriage, the wife feels the need for sexual attention. Her husband is not offering her this at home so she begins to stray to another bedroom. It is a factor that could break down the foundation of some marriages. As young children, everyone wants to be hugged, kissed, and held from time to time. This is what some people associate to be love with; everyone despite gender or age wants praise or affection.

Everyone wants to be told good job, that they are beautiful. The feeling of self-worth and importance in a relationship is imperative to women. Women crave attention, and if they do not receive these feelings at home, their cravings for this attention will run them into another's arms. The simple things that a husband does in a marriage can be the reason why a marriage remains so strong. He can do minor things such as complimenting her on her hair, her dress, or even how well she is raising their children. She begs to hear accomplishments, she thrives on the smiles he gives her or the thanks behind each deed.

She just wants to know that she is attractive and needed. A wife is similar to a child that wants acceptance on the first day of school. Women to feel like women, and sometimes it can take man to achieve this ultimate goal. They want to feel loved for their bodies, soft skin, and sweet voices, and their mind occasionally. They want reorganization for being a woman rather than for just for raising children, cleaning, and a good foot massage.

When individuals lack self-confidence they can start to look to others for approval and recognition. Feeling unworthy, lacking purpose, and feeling unfulfilled by their role in life these individuals are prime suspects for affairs. In these cases, the individual will unconsciously seek out someone similar to them in personality who can provide a mirror-like reflection of themselves. Consequently they will receive what feels like approval, not realizing it is a false sense of self and that it will not last. (Hickerson) Women cheat for these reasons and many more. When women cheat it is not because they werent ready for marriage, it is the little variables that they didnt count on. Perhaps, women who cheat in their marriages have a misunderstanding of what a marriage is in its entirety.

Women are emotionally needy creatures by nature, so when something doesnt go a womens way depending on her personality, she may try to seek and find what she once had in her mate. The women that do cheat should reconsider their way of reasoning.

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Research essay sample on Women Cheat Marriage Love

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