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Example research essay topic: Living Person Body Experience - 1,781 words

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In the past centuries people have been becoming more and more curious about the unexplainable things all around them. They are always asking why does this happen? and is that really true? Not until recently have scientists and others actually tried to find out for themselves.

Many of their searches evolved around the paranormal. Soon they called their search parapsychology Parapsychology can be defined as the study of apparent new means of communication, or exchange of influence between organisms and environment, (CRL Parapsychology FAQ 2). It can also be considered the science that lies beyond psychology. But for easier terms it is many often times called the scientific study of certain unusual events associated with human experience. These experiments have been called psychic for want of a better term (KPU-Research 2).

The experiments study the unique experiences and an unknown capability of the human mind that suggests consciousness is capable of interacting with the physical world that is not always recognized by science. But, it is not beyond sciences ability to investigate (Some common terms in parapsychology 1). Parapsychology has also been coined an anomalous cognition and clair sentience (Psychic Phenomena [The Omniverse] 1). Often parapsychology is shortened to PSI. Parapsychology is not the study of just anything paranormal or bizarre.

It is not concerned with astrology, UFOs, Bigfoot, paganism, vampires, alchemy or witchcraft. It is often linked inappropriately with a broad range of psychic entertainers, magicians and so-called paranormal investigators (CRL Parapsychology FAQ 3). What often passes for psychic is actually fraud, delusion or fantasy (Consciousness Research Laboratory Home Page 1). There are many subjects involved in PSI.

They are telepathy, ESP, Premonition/Precognition, NDE, Clairvoyance, Reincarnation, Haunting, OBE, Psychokinesis/Telekinesis, Poltergeist, and channeling. Telepathy literally means distant feeling / perception . It is generally considered to be energy transference between sentient creatures. Where at least one party will be absorbing the thoughts / feelings of the other into its mind (Psychic Phenomena [The Omniverse] 2). It is direct mind-to-mind communication, commonly thought of as mind reading but actually rarely involves perception of thoughts, and does not logically require communication between two minds (CRL Parapsychology FAQ 2). Telepathy should not be considered an OBE (out of body experience) of any kind.

The body is not transcended in a spiritual sense, but thought processes or energies might be brought toward the mind and body. It sometimes is considered to be the means of communication with the other side, or afterlife and those already residing there. In some cases it is considered remote viewing (Psychic Phenomena [The Omniverse] 4). In other cases it is explained as clairvoyance or precognition (CRL Parapsychology FAQ 4). By definition you can not practice telepathy on your own, a person has to adapt to it. It has not been possible to do in practice; to find out exactly who the other person is with whom you are interacting (Telepathy 2).

Telepathy can take years to develop, it does not just happen. It can actually be a symptom of a mental disorder; this makes it awkward to research. It can happen like this, a person who has lived in a childhood which was not ideal (abusive) stores anger in the cortex of the brain. After about 25 years the natural defense mechanism begins to break down and the consequence is inner thoughts that can be very loud and may appear as telepathy. It happens that the brain does not want to associate the thoughts with what happened, so the person convinces himself it is telepathy.

And in some cases this will work and in others it will not and a mental illness can result. ESP stands for Extra-Sensory Perception. It is a general term for obtaining information about events beyond the reach of the normal senses (CRL Parapsychology FAQ 2). It can be considered telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, and psychic experiences (Some common terms in Parapsychology 1).

Premonition/Precognition is the ability to obtain information about future events, where the information could not be inferred though normal means. Many people report dreams that appear to be precognition (CRL Parapsychology FAQ 3). It literally means pre-knowing. And is usually considered to be visions, wherein the seer witnesses an event that may or may not happen. It is taken seriously by a great number of people, yet it still is scientifically unproven. The converse application would be postcogniton (Psychic Phenomena [The Omniverse] 4).

Psychokinesis/Telekinesis literally means distant motion. It is mind over matter. It includes moving objects with the mind and disruption or affecting the molecular composition of an object. Levitation and spoon bending are common examples. It also includes the sub-category of pyro kinesis. Which is a trait or ability that allows the spontaneous combustion of objects (may include other people) whether at pyro kinetics will or not.

Any form of kinesis falls into this category (Psychic Phenomena [The Omniverse] 3). It is also called PK. And another sub-topic is Bio-PK (CRL Parapsychology FAQ 3). In rare cases it may involve obvious movement of objects, but most contemporary research studies PK influences on atomic or electronica processes (Some Common terms in Parapsychology 1). Near death experiences (NDE) often refers to a core experience that includes feelings of peace, OBE, seeing lights and other phenomena.

Those who were revived from nearly dying (CRL Parapsychology FAQ 3) report the experiences (CRL Parapsychology FAQ 3). People can not forget that mankind all through its history has left traces of believing in life after death. Only in this century has the belief changed because of science (Parapsychology and Survival after Death Psychical Research 2). Clairvoyance is obtaining information about events at remote locations, beyond the reach of normal senses. It is sometimes called remote viewing (CRL Parapsychology FAQ 4). It is a term used to see from afar.

And literally means clear seeing. If it were purely auditory it would be called clairaudience. Even though it can not be proven scientifically it is still believed by a great many people. It is basically the same as an OBE, and possibly even remote viewing. Clairvoyance is when one supposedly transcends his / her body and travels about at will in the form of energy, a spirit, or on the quantum level, this would be considered controlled clairvoyance. Some consider it communicating with the other side or the after life.

It is different from telepathy because an actual vision is not necessarily an emotional transference between organisms (Psychic Phenomena [The Omniverse] 3). Reincarnation is the belief that we live successive lives, with evidence coming from the apparent recollections of previous lives by very small children (CRL Parapsychology FAQ 5). Out of Body Experience (OBE) is the experience of feeling separated from the body. Is often accompanied by visual perceptions as though from above the body (CRL Parapsychology FAQ 4). It usually occurs during sleep, narcosis, or other circumstances. People have actually seen their bodies from a distant point in space.

Others observed activities in his / her hospital room while in a coma (Parapsychology and Survival after Death Psychical Research 2). Haunting is recurrent phenomena reported to occur in particular locations that include apparitions, sound, movement of objects and other effects (CRL Parapsychology FAQ 6). Ghosts are often associated with hauntings. Many times this question arises Are ghosts real? . The view today is that mischievous physical effects historically attributed to ghosts (disembodied spirits), such as movement of objects, strange sounds, enigmatic odors, failure of electrical equipment, are actually poltergeist phenomena (CRL Parapsychology FAQ 2 5).

Channeling is the claim that a departed spirit or other non-physical entity, speaks through a sensitive person. In the late 1800 s it was called mediumship. Similar claims of communication can be found almost anywhere though out history and across most cultures. Some researchers believe that cases of exceptionable prodigies, like Mozart in music or Ramanujan in mathematics, provide evidence of genuine channeling. Although some stories may be true, others are completely nonsense.

Revealed religions and some visionary experiences are versions of channeling information. Whether the information came from a paranormal source or from the channels unconscious is unknown (CRL Parapsychology FAQ 2 4). Poltergeists are large-scale PK phenomena often attributed to spirits. But which are now thought to be due to a living person, frequently adolescent (CRL Parapsychology FAQ 4).

Poltergeist comes from the German word meaning noisy ghosts. They usually manifest strange electrical effects and unexplained movement of objects. They are sometimes thought to be ghosts. The term RS PK means Recurrent Spontaneous PK was coined to describe this concept (CRL Parapsychology FAQ 6). DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HAUNTINGS AND POLETERGEISTS - Are spirits of deceased human beings appearing frequently in certain places. - Usually related to a specific place or tragic way of death - Are appearances of ghost (s) in areas known to the deceased before their deaths. - Activities are continuous over time, concentrated in the same area. (Poltergeists 3). - May not be spirits at all.

Some theories are that poltergeists are mass forms of energy that a living person is unknowingly controlling. - Are usually linked to a specific person or object. - Can be triggered by a living persons trauma in any area, at any time. - Build up over time to a climax, then start over and can travel anywhere. - Most nearing the climax of their energy can become dangerous to the living. Inflicting both mental and physical terror in extreme cases. There are five stages of a poltergeist, from level one all the way up to level five when they become dangerous. Senses Attack Early stages - the activity mainly revolves around the human bodys five senses. Cold spots, noises, odors / smells , hearing footsteps, unusual animal activity, feeling of being watched Level 2 communication Noises and smells turn more direct, still at basic level but turned up a few notches. Whispers, laughs / giggles , moans / shrieking , moving, shadows, and breeze in closed areas, visible clouds, and marks on floors / walls (not writing).

Level 3 Electrical control Poltergeist begins to make is presence felt. It is hard not to notice something real is happening (level that the classic haunting falls into). Lights / electrical appliances turning on and off, unseen hands grabbing / touching , doors that open and close, hearing voices or words clearly, full apparitions or dark figures, strange telephone calls. Level 4 Trick-ster Stage May seem that a harmful ghost is getting playful; gains information. Flying objects, objects disappearing and reappearing elsewhere, shaking furniture, pushing / shaking people, creating visions / illusions , fires starting, speaking in ordering tones, household objects breaking for no reason.

Level 5 Danger Level Poltergeist is at its highest energy point...

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Research essay sample on Living Person Body Experience

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