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Example research essay topic: Lighting And Costumes Moved The Show Stage - 1,091 words

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... or playing in the band. It welcomes all with open arms. Swing is a culture phenomenon of its own and has very dazzling moves that never lets your guard down. The space of the stage enhances this point because there was always something entertaining going on stage. At points it would be hard to keep focus on one thing, so my eyes could wander the stage but never wander off.

The band was always on stage and they were he element that tied the show together because the fundamentals of swing is rooted on the music which is brought to life by the band. The dancers used whatever space they had to do their swinging dances. They danced back and forth nonstop. One some one exited, someone else entered. The stage was never naked, except when the lights faded out to end the previous scene and to introduce the next. Even the air above the stage was used like in the scene, " Bill's Bounce ." The availability of the space also allowed for all the characters to be featured on stage dancing simultaneously multiple times during the show.

When some scenes required limited space, a see through screen would be laid in front of the band or the band stage platform would move forward closer to the audience. The actors made their characters believable. Swing is supposed to be happy and so was everyone on stage. In the scene, " Dancers in Love ", there is a young woman who falls in love with an old man. She makes him dance with him, even though he is an old man. She makes him throw her in the air as well as carry her in his arms, even though he tells her he can't.

The point is the actor who plays the old man, Keith Lamelle Thomas, does a convincing job playing the old man. He grunts out loud. He falls on the floor in a slapstick way. I believe that he is true pain and that he is dancing against his will, but he loves swing so much that he can't pass on the chance. He apparently used to be a great dancer and hadn't danced in a while, so the girl helped him find his swing. He got back his swing because he never lost it in the first place.

It was always lurking within him. Another performer, Everett Bradley, got so into his characters and music that I just wished I was feeling what he was feeling at points. His performance was so flawless that every time he was on stage, he was without a doubt the greatest presence. Even when he was singing with three others on stage along with the swing band, while the dancers danced, his stage presence was the most notable because I could tell that he was giving his heart and soul. The character relationships were well defined because the relationships were simple.

It was easy to tell apart people from each other because each performer associated their own style with their characters. Plus the same dance teams would stick together in the scenes. For example, when performer showed up on stage Jennifer Schrader so would J. C. Montgomery and they would do their thing. The relationships were all very obvious.

They all got along because there was such a positive mood on the stage. Everyone smiled at each other and kept a lively and animated mood, that it rubbed off on me. It was all fun from beginning to end. The dancing left a great effect and impression on me and on the performers themselves because they cheered each other on.

They performed so skillfully and meticulously, that it made what they did look easy to do. There was charisma within the performers that lasted throughout the performance. There was no one who tried to snub the spotlight. It was an ensemble team effort that looked so smooth and natural.

The setting for the play was effective. The setting was as lively as the performers. It kept changing from scene to scene which made the show enhance its timelessness by switching from country western to war time era to high jinx acrobatics. The on stage changes gave the show a high level of creativity and character. The stage was in a sense a character itself.

The whole thing jumped out with jiving energy which also helped set the tone of the show. Everything was always perfectly set and very colorful and lively which stressed out the show's main idea. The lighting and costumes changed with the setting. They were colorful and vivid. The lighting moved the show at a faster pace because it was the link and the break between the scenes by establishing the mood and idea. Swing is happy, colorful, lively, and vivid.

The lighting and costumes established all these elements. The costumes were effective because they also signified the scene change in the show. It helped to distinguish characters from one another. The costumes were authentic and were embellished by the lighting.

They were beautiful and made the performers become more in touch with their multiple characters. The costumes also fitted the characters appropriately in that it made it easier for them to have smoother transitions to become more than one character. The music strengthened the ensemble. It was the only theatrical link that tied the scenes together. The music moved the show forward and set the overall mood and tone. The music was swing but with elements of jazz, country western, Latin and pop.

It was a mix of classic and new songs. It gave the show the heartbeat and the rhythm that the dancers needed to do their electric moves. The show was a brilliant musical extravaganza. The band played the music and in certain scenes, the four main performers would sing the songs as the rest of them danced. I really had a blast watching this show.

It was very lively, creative, and colorful. I was never bored once because there was always so much going on stage. All of the performers did a great job and kept my interest. The scenes never lost its pace, but rather kept gaining more momentum as it went on. The show was very humorous, happy, and lighthearted.

The stage direction and choreography were superb. They never let my guard down. Every scene something new and wild would happen. It was flashy and over the top and those are the kind of elements that elevate my genuine interest. Bibliography:

Free research essays on topics related to: performers, swing, band, lively, scenes

Research essay sample on Lighting And Costumes Moved The Show Stage

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